White Phillip Graham, Professor

Phillip Graham White
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Teaching Interests
- Sociology of Sport
- History of Sport
- Gender, Sexuality and Leisure
- Hockey in Canadian Culture
2002: Nominee, McMaster Students Union Teaching Award. Selected as one of the top two professors in the Faculty of Social Sciences
2000: Nominee, McMaster Students Union Outstanding Teaching Award
1997: Nominee, President=s Award of Excellence in Graduate Supervision
1996: Faculty Finalist, McMaster Students Union Outstanding Teaching Award
Gender and Sport
Social Stratification of Sport
Education and Sport
Social Stratification
Canadian Society
Sport Injury
Research Grants
CIAU Research Grant, 1999, (with Nick Cipriano), for a project entitled ADeveloping an Education Module for Canadian University Coaches@.
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, 1998, for a project entitled AMaking the Difference: Constructing Gender in Co-Ed Sports@.
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, 1998, for a project entitled AUrban Sanctuary: Youth Culture in a Recreation Drop-In Centre@.
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, 1997, for a project entitled AYouth Culture in a Recreation Drop-In Centre@.
Australian Research Council, 1996, (with J. Nauright, J. Maguire and M. Phillips). AArenas of Memory: Fans, Identity, Professional Sports and Global Capital@.
Initiatory Research Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1996, (with W. McTeer). AThe Health Costs of Sport Injury in Canada@.
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, May 1994, for a project entitled "Antecedents and Outcomes of Female Involvement in Contact Sports".
McMaster University Teaching and Learning Grant, January, 1994.
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, May 1992, for a project entitled "Age and Sport Involvement in Canada: A Longitudinal Analysis".
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, December 1991, for a project entitled "Bodybuilding Among Canadian Males: An Ethnographic Investigation".
Initiatory Research Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1989, (with W. McTeer). "The Effects of Mid-Season Coaching Change: The Case of the National Hockey League".
Initiatory Research Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1989, (with W. McTeer). "Drive Theory and the Mid-Season Trade in the National Hockey League".
Initiatory Research Grant, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1989, (with W. McTeer). "The Americanization of Canadian Football".
McMaster University Arts Research Board Grant, December 1987, for a project entitled "The Impact of the Physical Education Professional as a Role Model for Adult Physical Activity".
Ph.D. (Sociology), University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Selected Publications
White, P. and Young, K. (Eds.), (2006). Sport and Gender in Canada (2 nd Edition) , Oxford University Press.
White, P. and Young, K. (Eds.), (1999) Sport and Gender in Canada . Oxford University Press.
White, P. (2004). A The Costs of Injury from Sport, Exercise and Physical Activity: A Review of the Evidence. @ Pp. 309-331 in Sporting Bodies, Damaged Selves: Sociological Studies of Sport-Related Injury . London: Elsevier Ltd.
Wilson, B. and P. White. (2003) A Urban Sanctuary: Youth Culture in a Recreation/Drop-In Centre. @ In R. Wilcox et al. (Eds.). Pp. 153-178 in Sporting Dystopias: The Makings and Meanings or Urban Sport Cultures . Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
Young, K. and P. White. (2000). A Researching Sports Injury: Reconstructing Dangerous Masculinities. @ Pp. 108-126 in McKay, J., Sabo, D. and M. Messner (Eds.). Masculinities, Gender Relations, and Sport . Sage Publications.
White, P. and K. Young. (1999). A Sport Injury in Canada: A Gender Analysis. @ Pp. 71-82 in White, P. and K. Young (Eds.) Sport and Gender in Canada . Oxford University Press.
Young, K. and P. White. (1999). A Threats to Sport Careers: Elite Athletes Talk About Injury and Pain. @ Pp. 203-213 in Coakley, J. and P. Donnelly (Eds.) Inside Sports Routledge.
Hoyle, J. and P. White. (1999). "Sport, Women and Disability: Some Exploratory Notes." Pp. 266-282 in White, P. and K. Young (Eds.) Sport and Gender in Canada . Oxford University Press.
Gillett, J., P. White and K. Young. (1996). "The Prime Minister of Saturday Night: Don Cherry, the CBC and the Cultural Production of Intolerance". Pp. 59-72 in H. Holmes and D. Taras (Eds.) Seeing Ourselves: Media, Power and Policy in Canada . Toronto: Harcourt, Brace & Jovanovich.
White, P., Young, K. and McTeer, W. (1995). A Sport, Masculinity and the Injured Body. @ In Sabo, D. and Gordon, D. (Eds.) Men = s Health and Illness: Gender, Power and the Body (pp. 158-182). Thousand Oaks, CA.: Sage Publications.
White, P. and K. Young. (1995). "Health and the New Age Ascetic: Contradictions in the Contemporary Fitness Boom". Pp. 432-437, in A. Nelson and A. Fleras (Eds.) Social Problems in Canada Reader . Toronto: Prentice-Hall.
White, P. and A. Vagi. (1990). "Rugby in the 19th Century British Boarding School System: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Perspective." Pp. 67-78, in D. Sabo and M. Messner (Eds.) Sport, Men and the Gender Order: Critical Feminist Perspectives . Champaign, Ill.: Human Kinetics.
Curtis, J. and P. White. (1982). "Age and Sport Participation: Decline with Age or Increased Specialization with Age?" Pp. 273-293, in P. Donnelly and N. Theberge (Eds.), Sport and the Sociological Imagination . Fort Worth: TCU Press.
Curtis, J., W. McTeer and P. White (2003). A Do High School Athletes Earn More Pay? Youth Sport Participation and Earnings as an Adult. @ Sociology of Sport Journal , 1, 60-76.
Nauright, J. and P. White (2002). A Mediated Nostalgia, Community and Nation: The Canadian Football League in Crisis and the Demise of the Ottawa Rough Riders, 1986-1996. @ Sport History Review , 33, 121-137.
Wilson, B. and P. White (2002). A Revive the Pride: Social Movements, Political Economy and Fan-Based Movements. @ Sociology of Sport Journal , 19(2), 119-148.
Neverson, N. and P. White (2002). A Muscular, Bruised and Sweaty Bodies: This is not Barbie Territory. @ Canadian Woman Studies Journal , 21, 44-49.
Wilson, B. and P. White (2001). A Multiple Identities in a Marginalized Culture: Female Youth in an > Inner City = Recreation/Drop-In Centre. @ Journal of Sport and Social Issues , 25(3), 301-323.
Wilson, B. and P. White. (2001). A Tolerance Rules: Identity, Resistance and Negotiation in an Inner City Recreation/Drop-In Centre: An Ethnographic Study. @ Journal of Sport and Social Issues , 25(1), 73-103.
Curtis, J., White, P. and B. McPherson (2000). A Age, Gender and Physical Activity in Canada: Findings from Longitudinal National Survey Data. @ Journal of Aging and Physical Activity , 8(1), 1-19.
Curtis, J., W. McTeer, and P. White (1999). A Exploring Effects of School-Age Sport Experiences on Sport Participation in Later Life @ . Sociology of Sport Journal , 16, 348-365.
White, P. and B. Wilson (1999). A The Socio-Economic Distribution of Sport Spectatorship in Canada: National Survey Findings. @ International Review for the Sociology of Sport , 34(3), 245-264.
Nicholson, C., W. McTeer and P. White (1998). A The Effects of Changing Teams on the Performance of Major League Baseball Players @ . Journal of Sport Behaviour , 21(1), 92-100
White, P. and K. Young (1997). A Masculinity, Sport, and the Injury Process: A Review of Canadian and International Evidence. @ Avante , 3(3), 1-30.
McCutcheon, T., J. Curtis and P. White (1997). "The Socio-Economic Distribution of Sport Injuries: Multivariate Analyses for the General Canadian Population." Sociology of Sport Journal , 14(1), 57-72.
White, P., Donnelly, P. and J. Nauright (1997). A Cities, Citizens and Sport Teams. @ Policy Options , 18(3), 9-12.
Nauright, J. and P. White (1996). A Nostalgia, Community, and Nation: Professional Hockey and Football in Canada. @ Avante , 2(3), 24-41.
White, P., K. Young and J. Gillett (1995). "Bodywork as a Moral Imperative: Some Critical Notes on Health and Fitness." Loisir et Société , 18(1), 163-186.
White, P., W. McTeer and S. Persad (1995). "Manager/Coach Midseason Replacement and Team Sport Performance in Professional Team Sport." Journal of Sport Behaviour , 18(1), 58-68.
Young, K. and P. White (1995). "Sport, Physical Danger and Injury: The Experiences of Elite Women Athletes." Journal of Sport and Social Issues , 19(1), 45-61.
Young, K., White, P. and W. McTeer (1994). "Body Talk: Male Athletes Reflect on Sport, Injury and Pain". Sociology of Sport Journal , 11(2), 175-194.
White, P. and J. Gillett. (1994). "Reading the Muscular Body: A Critical Decoding of Advertisements in Flex Magazine." Sociology of Sport Journal , 11(1), 18-39.
Curtis, J. and P. White. (1993). "Testing the Contact Theory: National Survey Findings for Outgroup Attitudes in Canada." Canadian Journal of Sociology , 18(3), 303-311.
Gillett, J. and P. White. (1992). "Male Bodybuilding and the Reassertion of Hegemonic Masculinity: A Critical Feminist Interpretation." Play and Culture , 5(4), 358-369.
White, P. and J. Curtis. (1992). "Toward Better Understanding of the Sport Practices of Francophone and Anglophone Canadians." Sociology of Sport Journal , 9(4), 403-422.
McTeer, W. and P. White. (1991). "Employment During High School and Sport Participation." C.A.H.P.E.R. Journal , 57(4), 28-31.
White, P., W. McTeer and A. Vagi. (1991). "The Effect on Performance of Being Traded in Mid-Season: The Case of the National Hockey League." Journal of Sport Behaviour , 14(3), 201-209.
White, P. and K. Willits. (1991). "Race as a Predictor of Playing Position in Ontario Youth Soccer." C.A.H.P.E.R. Journal , 57(1), 5-10.
White, P. and J. Curtis. (1990). "Language Regions and Feelings Toward Outgroups: Analyses for 1968 and 1984." Canadian Journal of Sociology , 15(4), 441-462.
White, P. and J. Curtis. (1990). "English-French Canadian Differences in Types of Sport Participation: Testing the School Socialization Explanation." Sociology of Sport Journal , 7(4), 347-368.
White, P. (1990). "Sport and the Language Groups in Canada." Plural Societies , 20(1), 73-83.
White, P. and J. Curtis. (1990). "Participation in Competitive Sport Among Anglophones and Francophones in Canada." International Review for the Sociology of Sport , 25(2), 125-142.
White, P. and A. Fleras. (1990). "Multiculturalism in Canada: Charter Group Attitudes and Responses Toward Cultural and Racial Outgroups." Plural Societies , 19(2-3), 28-42.
White, P. and W. McTeer. (1990). "Sport as a Component of Cultural Capital: Survey Findings on the Impact of Participation in Different Types of Sport on Educational Attainment in Ontario High Schools." Physical Education Review , 13(1), 66-71.
White, P., R. Lambert and J. Curtis. (1989). "Work Activity and Leisure Physical Activity: Analyses for Males in English Canada and French Canada." Journal of Sport Behaviour , 12(1), 23-40.