Gouweloos Julie, Academic and Experiential Learning Coordinator | Course Instructor
Julie Gouweloos
Academic and Experiential Learning Coordinator | Course Instructor
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Dr. Gouweloos (she/her) is an interdisciplinary scholar who studies social inequality, social justice movements, gender and sexualities. She teaches courses in the social sciences and humanities.
Ph.D. Sociology. 2019. McMaster University
Ph.D. Diploma. Gender Studies and Feminist Research. 2019. McMaster University
M.A. Sociology. 2010. University of Guelph
B.A. Honours Sociology. 2008. Western University
Inquiry into the Social Sciences, “Social Inequality & Social Justice ”, McMaster University
Inquiry into the Social Sciences, “Gender Inequality”, McMaster University
Life, University, and Everything, McMaster University
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Gouweloos, Julie. 2021. “Intersectional Prefigurative Politics: Queer Cabaret as Radical Resistance.” Mobilization: An International Quarterly 26(2): 239-255.
Langan, Debra, Carrie B. Sanders, and Julie Gouweloos. 2019. “Policing Women’s Bodies: Pregnancy, Embodiment, and Gender Relations in Canadian Police Work.” Feminist Criminology 14(4): 466-487.
Langan, Debra, Carrie B. Sanders, and Julie Gouweloos. 2018. “Danger-protection parenting: how work and home influence the parenting of women police officers.” International Journal of Birth and Parenting Education 5(3): 11-16.
Heath, Melanie, Jessica Braimoh, and Julie Gouweloos. 2016. “Judging Women’s Sexual Agency: Contemporary Sex Wars in the Legal Terrain of Prostitution and Polygamy.” Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 42(1): 199:225.