Gordon Michael
Michael Gordon
Contract and Sessional Faculty
Department of Political Science
Area(s) of Interest:
Michael Gordon is a Sessional Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada and specializing in International Relations. His research broadly surrounds irregularized migration, humanitarianism and border control in Europe, with a particular focus on the role of civil society search and rescue NGOs operating in the Central Mediterranean Sea. He holds a PhD in International Relations from McMaster University. Michael is a former Mitacs Globalink Visiting PhD Research Student at the University of Warwick and a former Graduate Research Fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI). As of July 2022, he also serves as a Co-Editor of Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees.
Areas of Interest:
- Irregularized Migration
- Humanitarian Sea Rescue
- Civil Society NGOs
- Border Policy
- Critical Border Studies
- Political Geography
- SSHRC Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplement (2019)
- Mitacs Globalink Research Award (2019)
- SSHRC Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (2017-2020)
- Ontario Graduate Scholarship (2016)
- Ph.D. Political Science (International Relations) - McMaster University (2022)
- M.A. Global Governance - Balsillie School of International Affairs, University of Waterloo (2016)
- B.A. (Hons) Political Science - McMaster University (2014)
McMaster University
- POLSCI 4GC3 - Advanced Issues in Global Citizenship (Fall 2022)
- POLSCI 4ST3 - Special Topics: Contemporary Politics [Critical Security Studies: Theory and Practice in a Global Context] (Fall 2021)
Wilfrid Laurier University
- NO/GG 201 - North American Transborder Regions (Winter 2022)
- LY 480 - Law, Migration & Citizenship (Winter 2022)
Teaching Assistant
- POLSCI 1AB3 - Politics & Power in a Globalizing World - Dr. T. Alway (Winter 2021)
- POLSCI 3KK3 - Genocide: Sociological and Political Perspectives - Dr. P. Pirani (Fall 2020)
- POLSCI 2J03 - Global Political Economy - Dr. R. O'Brien (Winter 2020)
- POLSCI 2I03 - Global Politics - Dr. J.A. Irvine (Fall 2018)
- POLSCI 2J03 - Global Political Economy - Dr. R. O'Brien (Winter 2018)
- POLSCI 2I03 - Global Politics - Dr. M. Busser (Fall 2017)
- POLSCI 1AB3 - Politics & Power in a Globalizing World - Dr. T. Alway (Winter 2017)
- POLSCI 1AA3 - Government, Politics and Power - Dr. T. Alway (Fall 2016)
Guest Lectures
- POLSCI 778 - Immersing: Ethnography and Autoethnography in IR, McMaster University - Dr. P. Nyers (February 2022)
- POLSCI 4QQ3 - Global Citizenship, McMaster University - Dr. P. Nyers (February 2020)
- POLSCI 3LB3 - Globalization and the World Order, McMaster University - Dr. A. Sajed (November 2019)
- POLSCI 3K03 - Migration and Citizenship, McMaster University - Dr. L. Midzain-Gobin (March 2019)
- GLOB HLTH 709 - Refugee Health Policies and Practice, McMaster University - Dr. E. Wahoush (March 2019)
- PO 332 - Global Governance, Wilfrid Laurier University - Dr. J.A. Irvine (January 2019)
- POLSCI 3Q03 - Causes of War, McMaster University - Dr. M. Busser (March 2018)
Dissertation Title: Solidarity and Resistance (SAR) at the Borders of EUrope: Civil Fleet Search and Rescue Operations in the Mediterranean Borderscape
Dissertation Abstract: My dissertation examines the externalization of migration control, the criminalization of humanitarianism, and acts of solidarity through the work of civil society Search and Rescue (SAR) operations. In looking at grassroots organizations and the spatial politics of the sea, I explore the unique and fluid dimensions of the Mediterranean Sea as a border security space. This project analyses the tension between the enactment of solidarity with people on the move alongside broader state efforts to externalize border security and criminalize humanitarianism. Examining the invocation and operation of humanitarianism at sea illuminates emergent trends around bordering, mobility, and citizenship as migrants and civil society confront the state security apparatus. This borderscape is enacted through contentious NGO acts of solidarity with migrants at sea as grassroots organizations challenge the appropriation of the natural environment as a border control mechanism. My research highlights how these political acts of rescue expose the violence of state borders, while simultaneously enacting solidarity with people on the move as an actively anti-racist, justice and rights seeking movement.
Supervisor: Dr. Peter Nyers
Committee Members: Dr. J. Marshall Beier; Dr. Alina Sajed
Research Contributions
Gordon, M. (2020) Bordering Through ‘Crisis’: Migrant Journeys, Border Industries and the Contestation of Control. Migration, Mobility and Displacement. 5 (1): 39-58.
-------- (2020) "Responsibility". States of Refuge II: Key Concepts in in Critical Refugee Studies. Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition Working Paper Series, McMaster University.
Daniel, B. & Gordon, M. (2015) Enhancing Migrant Women’s Workers Rights and Mainstreaming Gender in Global Migration Governance. CIGI Graduate Fellows Policy Brief Series No. 2. Equal Authorship.
Gordon, M. (2019) Standoffs at sea highlight the shameful criminalization of rescuing migrants. The Conversation. Published 17 July 2019.
Gordon, M. & V. Squire (2019) EU Leaves Migrant Search and Rescue NGOs in the Mediterranean Without a Paddle. The Globe Post. Published 29 May 2019.
Conference & Workshop Presentations
Gordon, M. (2022) Locating Asymptotic Borders at Sea: Irregularized Migration, Civil Society NGOs and the Contestation of Control” International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference. Nashville, Tennessee.
-------- (2022) Enacting Solidarity: Irregularized Migration, Search and Rescue and the Maritime Borders of EUrope” International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Conference. Nashville, Tennessee.
-------- (2021) Locating Asymptotic Borders at Sea: Irregularized Migration, Civil Society NGOs and the Contestation of Control” The Line Crossed Us Workshop. University of Lethbridge, Virtual.
-------- (2021) Standoff Politics, Bureaucratic Blockades and EU Migration Governance in the Central Mediterranean.” American Association of Geographers (AAG) Annual Meeting. Virtual.
-------- (2021) Enacting Solidarity: Irregular Migration, Search and Rescue and the Maritime Borders of EUrope” NGOs/CSOs, Migration Management and Border Control. Virtual.
-------- (2019) Boats, Border and Containment at Sea. The Sea in the 20th-21st Centuries and the 'Forbidden Migrations' Workshop. Lisbon, Portugal
-------- (2019) Zoning the Mediterranean: Constructing the Sea as Humanitarian Space. Workshop: Rethinking the Sea in International Relations: Space, Time, Politics and Change. European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS). Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland
-------- (2019) (Ir)Responsibility and the European Refugee ‘Crisis’: Performing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. International Studies Association Annual Convention. Toronto, ON
-------- (2019) (De)Constructing ‘Crisis’ at the Borders of Europe: Border Control, Maritime Rescue and the Production of Humanitarian Space in the Mediterranean Sea. International Studies Association Annual Convention. Toronto, ON
-------- (2019) Zoning the Mediterranean: Constructing the Sea as Humanitarian Space. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Washington, D.C., USA
-------- (2019) Zoning the Mediterranean: Constructing the Sea as Humanitarian Space. Workshop: The Migration-Security Nexus from a Transnational Perspective. British International Studies Association (BISA). University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
-------- (2018) (De)Constructing ‘Crisis’ at the Borders of Europe: Border Control, Maritime Rescue and the Production of Humanitarian Space in the Mediterranean Sea. Governing Transit Migration: Varieties of Approaches in International Politics Workshop (BISA). University of Warwick, Coventry, UK
-------- (2018) (De)Constructing the European ‘Refugee Crisis’: Producing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece
-------- (2018) (Ir)Responsibility and the European Refugee ‘Crisis’: Performing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. British International Studies Association (BISA) Conference. Bath, UK
-------- (2017) (De)Constructing the European Refugee 'Crisis’: Producing the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. Centre for Refugee Studies (CRS) Conference. York University, Toronto, ON
-------- (2017) Border Spectacle and the Construction of ‘Illegality’: Borders, Irregularity and the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. Canadian Association of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) Conference. University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
-------- (2017) Border Spectacle and the Construction of ‘Illegality’: Borders, Irregularity and the Humanitarian-Security Nexus. Migration/Representation/Stereotypes Conference. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON
-------- (2017) Growing Global Apartheid: The Securitization of Borders and the Politics of Aid. Migration and Ethnic Relations Graduate Student Conference. Western University, London, ON
-------- (2017) Borders, Security and the Global Migration Industry. Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 6 Conference. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
-------- (2016) Enhancing Migrant Women’s Workers Rights and Mainstreaming Gender in Global Migration Governance. Global Labour Research Centre Graduate Student Symposium. York University, Toronto, ON
-------- (2015) Constructing ‘Natasha’: Human Trafficking Discourse and ‘Humanitarian’ Border Policy Regimes. Governing Migration from the Margins Workshop. Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, ON
Daniel, B. & Gordon, M. (2015) Enhancing Migrant Women’s Workers Rights and Mainstreaming Gender in Global Migration Governance. CIGI Graduate Fellowship Symposium. Balsillie School of International Affairs, Waterloo, ON
Gordon, M. (2015) The Humanity of ‘Illegality’: An Auto-Ethnographic Account of Irregular Migration in Central America. Engage 2015 Graduate Conference. University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Panel Presentations and Public Talks
Invited Lecture (2019) Boats, Border and Containment at Sea: Standoff Politics and EU Migration Governance in the Central Mediterranean. Research In Progress Seminar (RIPS) Series. McMaster University. Hamilton, ON
Panelist (2019) Roundtable: Governing Transit Migration. British International Studies Association (BISA) Conference. London, UK
Panelist (2018) Roundtable: Supporting Emerging Migration Scholars and Practitioners. International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM) Conference. Thessaloniki, Greece
Panelist (2018) Roundtable: Supporting Emerging Migration Scholars and Practitioners. Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS) Conference. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
Panelist (2016) “Trump Election, Three Weeks Out: Now What?” McMaster University, Hamilton, ON