Gladstone Jim, Professor Emeritus

Jim Gladstone
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
School of Social Work
Area(s) of Interest:
Research & Supervisory Interests
Interest in social work practice, including individual, couple and family counselling and social group work. Research interests focus on the way that relationships are negotiated between individuals (for example, married couples) and between informal and formal systems. This may include, for example, interaction between families and child welfare agencies, families and long-term care facilities or between employees and management in the workplace.
Recent Graduate Supervisions
Supervision (Masters):
Life Experiences of Transracially-Adopted Adults
An Exploration of the Meanings of Spirituality Among Helping Professionals: Implications for Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice
Dementia Caregiving: Service Needs and Utilization Patterns
The Subjective Experience of Men Who Murder Their Intimate Partners
Resident Council Participation in Long-Term Care Institutions
Daughter's Perception of the Support Provided by Facilities At the End Stages of the Caregiving Career
Ph.D., Faculty of Social Work (Major area: family), University of Toronto, 1985
M.S.W., School of Social Work, University of British Columbia, 1976
B.A., Psychology, McGill University, 1971
SW2A06, Theory, Process and Communication Skills for Social Work
SW3A03, Social Work with Individuals and Groups
SW738, Research Methods for Social Work
Selected Publications
Gladstone, J.W., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M., and Ismaila, A. (2014). Understanding Worker-Parent Engagement in Child Protection Casework. Children and Youth Services Review, 44, 56-64.
Gladstone, J.W., Fitzgerald, K-A., and Brown, R.A. (2012). Social Workers' Use of Power in Relationships with Grandparents in Child Welfare Settings. British Journal of Social Work.doi:10.1093/bjsw/bcs039
Gladstone, J.W., Dumbrill, G., Leslie, B., Koster, A., Young, M. and Ismaila, A. (2012). Looking at Engagement and Outcome From the Perspective of Child Protection Workers and Parents. Children and Youth Services Review, 34, 112-118.
Gladstone, J.W., Dupuis, S., & Wexler, E. (2007). Ways that families engage with staff in long-term care facilities. Canadian Journal on Aging, 26 (4), 391-402.
Gladstone, J.W., Dupuis, S., & Wexler, E. (2006). Changes in family involvement following a relative's move to a long-term care facility. Canadian Journal on Aging, 25 (1), 93-106.
Presentations at Meetings
2013 |
"Building the Worker-Client Relationship." Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Societies, Early Help Symposium, Toronto, April 15. |
2012 |
"Grandparents Raising Grandchildren: A Discontinuous Life Event and Its Relationship to Resiliency." Paper presented at The Gerontological Society of America 65th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Diego, November 17. "Effective Intervention Begins with Client Engagement." Paper presented at the European Scientific Association on Residential and Foster Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF), Glasgow, September 7. |
2011 |
“Engaging Grandparents in the Helping Process: A View From Child Welfare.” Paper presented at The Gerontological Society of America 64th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, November 21. “The Influence of Engaged Worker-Client Relationships on Child Welfare Outcomes.” Paper presented at the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) 5th Annual International Conference on Sociology, Athens, Greece, May 9. |
2010 |
“Grandparents Raising Their Grandchildren: Negotiated Relationships with Child Welfare Workers.” Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 63rd Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, November 21. “Worker-Parent Engagement: What Is It and How To Do It.” Paper presented at the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 7. |
2009 |
“Same-Sex Couples Anticipating Long-Term Care: Concerns and Perceptions Regarding Future Care.” Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, November 19. |
2007 |
“Interventions with Caregiving Grandparents: The Role of Child Welfare Agencies.” Paper presented at The Gerontological Society of America 60th Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, November 19. |
2006 |
“Challenges Experienced by Caregiving Grandparents Involved with Child Welfare Agencies.” Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 59th Annual Scientific Meeting, Dallas, November 18. “Social Work with Individuals and Groups: A Course Analysis Evaluation.” Paper presented at the Association For The Advancement Of Social Work With Groups 28th International Symposium, San Diego October 13. |
2005 |
“Grandparents’ Involvement with Child Welfare Agencies: A Case Study Analysis.” Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 58th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orlando, November 20. |
2002 |
"Family Caregiving Roles Following a Move to a Long-term Care Facility." Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 55th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, November 25. |
2001 |
"Grandparent Involvement in Child Welfare Intervention with Grandchildren." Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 54th Annual Scientific Meeting, Chicago, November 16. |
1999 |
"An Evaluation of Caregiver Support Groups for Employees in the Workplace." Poster presentation at The Gerontological Society of America 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting, San Francisco, November 21. |
Community Connections
Invited Speaker, Grandparents Requesting Access And Dignity (GRAND) Society, May 2, 2004.
Media interviews concerning grandparenting: Hamilton Spectator, Today's Grandparent Magazine, Toronto Star.
Media interview concerning long-term care: Provider Magazine (American Health Care Association).