Galleguillos Nibaldo, Associate Professor
Nibaldo Galleguillos
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Associate Members
School of Labour Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Nibaldo Galleguillos' main interests are in comparative politics, with a focus on globalization, human rights and military intervention in Latin America and Africa. His current research focuses on the study of elections in Mexico and the political role of the judiciary in Chile.
Research and Supervision
Comparative politics, with a focus on globalization, human rights and military intervention in Latin America and Africa. Current research focuses on the study of elections in Mexico and the political role of the judiciary in Chile.
Recent Research Funding
- 2001 Conference Research grant. $650. Arts and Research Board-McMaster University. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Conference, Granada, Guatemala (March)
- 2000 Research grant. $1,200. Arts and Research Board-McMaster University grant for research on judicial reforms in Mexico. (Declined).
- 1999 Conference Research grant. $675. Arts Research Board-McMaster University. Third World Studies Association Conference, Costa Rica, November 18-20, 1999. Title of Conference: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Third World Studies.
- 1999 Publishing grant. $3,000. Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University and the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. To assist in the editing of Civil Military Relations and Democracy in the Americas, a book draft (co-edited with Jorge Nef).
- 1998 Conference Research grant. $750. Arts Research Board-McMaster University. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies Annual Conference, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, March 19-22, 1998. Title of Conference: Latin America: Beyond Neo-liberalism.
Honours & Awards
- Recipient of Teaching Excellence Award-Faculty of Social Sciences for teaching excellence and outstanding contribution to undergraduate education, McMaster Students Union Teaching Awards Committee, March 1998.
- Nominated three times for Teaching Excellence Award-McMaster Students Union. 1999, 2000, and 2001.
- Listed five times as one of "McMaster’s most popular professors"in Maclean’s Guide to Canadian Universities. 1999,2001, 2002, 2003, and 2004.
2XX3 - Politics of the Third World
4Q6 - Politics and Society in Latin America
742 - Politics of Developing Areas
Chapters in Books
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Civil-Military Relations and National Reconciliation in Chile in the Aftermath of the Pinochet Affair, in The Role of the Military in Post-Conflict Peacekeeping, edited by Hans-Georg Ehrhart and Albrecht Schnabel, United Nations University Press, Tokyo, Japan (forthcoming)
- Ricardo Grinspun, Nibaldo H. Galleguillos & Richard Roman,Economic Reforms and Political Democratization in Mexico: Reevaluating Basic Tenets of Canadian Foreign Policy, in Democracy and Foreign Policy: Canada Among Nations, edited by Maureen Appel Molot & Maxwell Cameron, Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1995, pp.211-234.
- Jorge Nef and Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Legislatures and Democratic Transitions in Latin America: The Chilean Case, in Legislatures and the New Democracies in Latin America, edited by David Close, Boulder, Colorado: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 1995, pp.113-135.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Le régime militaire: sa nature, ses réalisations et ses répercussions, in Le Chili de 1970 à 1990: De l’Unité populaire à l’après-Pinochet, edited by José del Pozo & André Jacob, Montréal, Québec: VLB Editeur, 1994 pp.49-79.
Papers in Refereed Journals
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Re-establishing Civilian Supremacy Over Military and Police Institutions: An Analysis of Recent Reform in the Security Sector in Chile, in Journal of Third World Studies , (Spring, 2004).
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Studying Civil-Military Relations in the Post-Dictatorship Era: An Analysis of the Chilean Experience, in Journal of Third World Studies , (Fall, 2000). 24 pages.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, From Confrontation to Friendly Persuasion: An Analysis of Judicial Reform and Democratization in Post-Pinochet Chile, in Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, 1998, volume 23, No. 46, pp. 161-192.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, The Politics of Judicial Reform in the Democratic Transition: An Analysis of the Chilean Case, in Ciencia ergo sum, volume 5, No. 3, November 1998-February 1999, pp. 239-248.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, The National Unified School in Allende’s Chile, a Review Article, in Curriculum Inquiry, New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1990, volume 20, No. 1, Spring, pp. 83-93.
Technical Reports
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Mark Juhasz, Thomas Legler, Marie-Josée Massicote, Erin McCaughan, and Jean F. Mayer, The July 2, 2000 Mexican Elections. A Report by a Team of Academics from Southern Ontario. CERLAC-Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University. 6 pages.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos,The Human Rights Situation in Mexico and the Refugees Movement, edited transcript of a presentation to the Immigration and Refugee Board, Toronto. For use by members of Canada’s IRB. January, 1998, 61 pages.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, editor,The 1994 Presidential and Congressional Elections in Mexico: A Critical View by CERLAC’s Team of Official Canadian Elections Observers, (with contributions by Richard King, Barry Levitt, Lucy Luccissano & Teresa Healey), CERLAC Report, York University, 1996, 31 pages.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, The Human Rights Situation in Mexico and the Refugees Movement, edited transcript of a presentation to the Immigration and Refugee Board, Toronto. For use by members of Canada’s IRB. February, 1996, 57 pages.
- Stephen Rotter and Ruth Abransom, editors, Mexico After NAFTA: A Public Forum for Social and Labour Activists on the Current Mexican Crisis," CERLAC Colloquia Reports (with participation by Nibaldo H. Galleguillos), June, 1995.
Journal Articles
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Chile’s Democratic Facade Crumbles, in Americas Update, volume XIX, No. 4, Fall/Winter 1998-99, pp.12-14.
Book Reviews
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Uncivil Movements: The Armed Right Wing and Democracy in Latin America, in Journal of Third World Studies, Spring, 2003.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Deepening Democracy? The Modern Left and Social Movements in Chile and Peru, by Kenneth M. Roberts (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1998), in Canadian Journal of Political Science, volume XXX, No. 3, December 1999. .
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, Organizing Civil Society: The Popular Sectors and the Struggle for Democracy in Chile, by Philip D. Oxhorn (University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1995), in Canadian Journal of Political Science, volume XXIX, No. 2, June, 1996, pp. 407-408.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, The Rise and Fall of Chilean Christian Democracy, in Queen’s Quarterly. A Canadian Review, volume 94, No. 2, Summer 1987, pp.507-509.
- Nibaldo H. Galleguillos, The Civil Wars in Chile (or the Bourgeois Revolutions That Never Were, in Queen’s Quarterly. A Canadian Review, volume 92, No. 2, Summer 1985, pp. 394-396.
Selected Presentations at Academic Conferences, Workshops and Public Meetings: Peer reviewed
- Re-establishing Civilian Supremacy Over Police Institutions: An Analysis of Recent Attempted Reforms of the Security Sector in Chile, the Annual Conference of the Canadian Political Science Association, Halifax, Nova Scotia, (May, 2003).
- Descent Into the Abyss. From Friendly Neighbourhood Cop to Cop from Hell: The Metamorphosis of Chile’s Carabineros Police and the Struggle for Democracy, The Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies-CALACS-, Montreal, Quebec, (October, 2002).
- Judicial and Legal Reforms in the Democratic Transition: An Assessment of the Changing Roles of the Judiciary in Chile, the XXIII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association-LASA-, Washington, DC., (September, 2001).
- From Sacred Cows to Meekly Lambs to Scapegoats: The Changing Role of Chile’s Higher Courts in the Democratic Transition, the XXX Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Antigua, Guatemala, (February-March, 2001).
- The Canadian Military Establishment’s Relations with the Latin American Armed Forces in the Context of Globalization, the XXX Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Antigua, Guatemala, (February-March, 2001).
- Societies Under Surveillance: The Role of Illegal Intelligence Agencies in Thwarting Democratic Development in Chile, the XXII International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association-LASA- Miami (March, 2000).
- Civil-Military Relations in Latin America: An Analysis of the Chilean Experience, the XVII Association of Third World Studies Conference, Costa Rica, (November 18-20, 1999).
- In Search of a New Paradigm in Civil-Military Relations in Latin America: The Chilean Case, the XXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, (September 24-26, 1998).
- Judicial Reform in Latin America: An Assessment of the Chilean Experience, the Annual Congress of the Canadian Association of Political Science, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of Ottawa, (May 31-June 2, 1998).
- From Confrontation to Friendly Persuasion: An Analysis of Judicial Reform and Democratization in Post-Pinochet Chile, the Congress of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, (March 19-22, 1998).
- Economic Globalization and the State of Human Rights in Latin America’s Emergent Democracies, the Second Annual Conference on Business and Professional Ethics-Ethics and Globalization, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, (October 23-25, 1997).
Invited Public Lectures, Seminars & Workshops
- Influence of Civil-Military Relations on Social and Political Conflict in Colombia , The Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Hamilton, February, 2001.
- Seminar on Mexican Elections organized by the Centre for Latin American Studies and the Caribbean (York University) and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, University of Toronto,. June, 2000.
- Globalization. Under What Rules? A public forum hosted by the Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition, McMaster University. Speaker. January 2000.
- International Criminal Law, The International Law Career Conference, hosted by the International Law Societies at the University of Toronto and Osgoode Hall Law School, March 1999.
- The Universality of Jurisdiction in Regards to Crimes Against Humanity: The Pinochet Decision,"Youth Activism ‘99, a conference for high school students hosted by McMaster University Amnesty International Chapter, April 1999.
- Keynote Address: Globalization, Development, and Human Rights: Is There a Connection Between Them?, The Hamilton Mundialization Committee-World Citizenship Award, The Hamilton Art Gallery, November 1998.
- The Political Repercussions of General Pinochet’s Arrest, Presentation at the University of Toronto, November 1998.
- Mexico, NAFTA, and Human Rights, presentation given at Globalization Teach-In 2. Challenge to Democracy, hosted by OPIRG-McMaster University, February 1998.
- The Human Rights Situation in Mexico and the Refugees Movement, presentation to the members of the Immigration and Refugee Board, Toronto, December 1997.
- Globalization and Human Rights in Latin America, presentation organized by the Latin American Students Organization, McMaster University, November 1997.
- The 1997 Congressional Elections in Mexico, presentation organized by the Canadian Automobile Workers-CAW, Toronto, August 1997.
- The Human Rights Situation in Mexico and the Refugees Movement, presentation to the members of the Immigration and Refugee Board, Toronto, February 1996.
- Elections, Parties and Political Reform, presentation given at Mexico After NAFTA, a Public Forum for Social and Labour Activists on the Current Mexico Crisis, sponsored by York University’s Centre for Research on Latin American and the Caribbean, Toronto, June 1995.
- The Human Rights Situation in Chiapas, Mexico, presentation organized by Amnesty International, McMaster University, April 1995.
- The 1994 Presidential and Congressional Elections in Mexico, presentation given at the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean-CERLAC, York University, September 1994.
- An Assessment of the August 1994 Presidential and Congressional Elections in Mexico, presentation given at Colloquium organized by the Department of Political Science, McMaster University, September 1994.