Furlotte Charles, PhD Student

Supervisor: Dr. Roy Cain
Committee Members: Dr. Jane Aronson and Dr. Rachel Zhou
Thesis Title: TBD
Charles Furlotte is a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Social Work. He previously completed training in psychology and aging at Mount Allison University, and earned a Master of Social Work degree at Carleton University, where he became involved in the HIV/AIDS movement and studied radical mindfulness training. Charles returned to his studies in the doctoral program after working as a hospital social worker and community researcher.
Charles is interested in critical approaches to social gerontology, with a particular emphasis on growing older with complex chronic health conditions, including HIV/AIDS. His doctoral research addresses perspectives on aging, time and planning of older gay men living with HIV in Ontario. His additional interests include HIV prevention, direct social work practice and mental health. Charles’ work is grounded in championing social justice at the intersection of policy and practice.