Frolic Andrea, Clinical & Organizational Ethicist

Andrea Frolic
Clinical & Organizational Ethicist
Research Associates
Department of Anthropology
Andrea Frolic is currently the Clinical & Organizational Ethicist at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS). In 2005 she completed her Ph.D. in Anthropology at Rice University in Houston, Texas, including a two-year fellowship in Clinical Ethics at the University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center. She received her M.A. in Religion & Culture at Wilfrid Laurier University, and her B.A. in Religious Studies at Queen’s University. Since her appointment at HHS in 2004, Andrea has focused her efforts on recruiting, training and mentoring an interdisciplinary ethics consultation team, the redevelopment of the Clinical Ethics Committee and quality improvement initiatives, such as the Quality End of Life Care Taskforce. Andrea’s research interests focus on moral distress, patient engagement, professional identity and ethics as an emerging professional practice. She contributes to the development of practice standards for health care ethics through participation on national taskforces in both the U.S. and Canada. Andrea’s extracurricular passions include contemporary dance, poetry and chocolate.