Fetner Tina, Professor | Chair of the Department of Sociology
Tina Fetner
Professor | Chair of the Department of Sociology
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Tina Fetner is Past President of the Canadian Sociological Association. Her research examines LGBT activism, anti-LGBT activism, and social and political change around sexuality. She is the principle investigator for the Sex in Canada multi-methods research project that examines sexual behaviour and social attitudes among Canadian adults. Her book, How the Religious Right Shaped Lesbian and Gay Activism, examines the rise of the anti-LGBT religious right in the United States and traces over time how LGBT activists reshaped their movement in response to the threat of this opposing movement. She also does historical research on the religious right comparatively in Canada and the United States, examining the historical cultural and political underpinnings of right-wing activism in Canada and the United States. Her other research projects include analyses of the social change in attitudes toward lesbian and gay people, and the uneven growth of supports for youth, such as Gay-Straight Alliances. Her most recent project examines the social organization of sexual behaviour, and its intersection with social and political attitudes.
Sociology of Sexualities
Social Movements
Political Sociology
Sociology of Gender
Social Inequality
- Ph.D. Sociology. 2001. New York University, New York, NY
- M.A. Sociology. 1996. New York University, New York, NY
- B.A. Economics. 1990. University of California, Santa Cruz
Selected Publications
Tina Fetner and Melanie Heath. 2016. "Do Same-Sex and Straight Weddings Aspire to the Fairytale? Women's Conformity and Resistance to Traditional Weddings." Sociological Perspectives 59:721-742.
Tina Fetner. 2016. "U.S. Attitudes toward Lesbian and Gay People are Better than Ever." Contexts 15:20-27.
Tina Fetner and Athena Elafros. 2015. "The GSA Difference: LGBTQ and Ally Experiences in High Schools With and Without Gay-Straight Alliances" Social Sciences 4:563-581.
Tina Fetner, Allyson Stokes, and Carrie B. Sanders. 2015. "Institution Building and the Religious Right: Lessons from U.S. and Canadian History." Pp. 44-60 in Howard Ramos and Kathleen Rodgers, eds. Protest and Politics: The Promise of Social Movement Societies. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Tina Fetner and Brayden G. King. 2014. "Three-Layer Movements, Resources, and the Tea Party." Pp. 35-54 in Nella Van Dyke and David S. Meyer, eds. Understanding the Tea Party Movement. Farnham, UK: Ashgate.
Tina Fetner. 2013. "Religious Right Activism in Canada and the United States: Are We Headed in the Same Direction?" Pp. 123-143 in Nancy Christie and Michael Gauvreau, eds., The Sixties and Beyond: Dechristianization in North America and Western Europe, 1945-2000. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Tina Fetner, Athena Elafros, Sandra Bortolin and Coralee Drechsler. 2012. "Safe Spaces: Gay-Straight Alliances in High School."Canadian Review of Sociology 49:188-207.
Tina Fetner and Carrie B. Sanders. 2012. "Similar Strategies, Different Outcomes: Institutional Histories of the Christian Right of Canada and of the United States." Pp. 245-262 in Strategies in Social Change. Greg Maney, Rachel Kutz-Flamembaum, Deanna Rohlinger, and Jeff Goodwin, eds. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.
Tina Fetner and Carrie B. Sanders. 2011. "The Pro-Family Movement in Canada and the United States: Institutional Histories and Barriers to Diffusion." Pp. 87-100 in Faith, Politics, and Sexual Diversity in Canada and the United States. David Rayside and Clyde Wilcox, eds. Vancouver, BC: UBC Press.
Tina Fetner. 2008. How the Religious Right Shaped Lesbian and Gay Activism. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press.Social Movements, Protest and Contention series.
Robert Andersen and Tina Fetner. 2008. "Economic Inequality and Intolerance: Attitudes toward Homosexuality in 35 Democracies." American Journal of Political Science 52:942-58.
Robert Andersen and Tina Fetner. 2008. "Cohort Differences in Tolerance of Homosexuality: Attitudinal Change in Canada and the United States, 1981-2000." Public Opinion Quarterly 72:311-330.
Tina Fetner and Kristin Kush. 2008. "Gay-Straight Alliances in High Schools: Social Predictors of Early Adoption." Youth & Society 40:114-130.
Jackie Smith and Tina Fetner. 2007. "Structural Approaches to Social Movements." Pages 13-57 in Bert Klandermans and Conny Roggeband, eds. Handbook of Social Movements across Disciplines. NY: Springer Press.
Tina Fetner. 2006. "The Pro-Family Movement." Pp. 423-429 in Steven Seidman, Nancy Fischer and Chet Meeks, eds. Introducing the New Sexuality Studies. London and NY: Routledge. (reprinted for 2nd edition: 2010).
Tina Fetner. 2005. "Ex-gay Rhetoric and the Politics of Sexuality: The Christian Antigay/Pro-family Movement's 'Truth in Love' Ad Campaign." Journal of Homosexuality 50:71-96.
Edwin Amenta, Neal Caren, Tina Fetner and Michael P. Young. 2002. "Challengers and States: Toward a Political Sociology of Social Movements." Sociological Views on Political Participation in the 21st Century. Research in Political Sociology 10:47-83
Tina Fetner. 2001. "Working Anita Bryant: The Impact of Christian Antigay Activism on Lesbian and Gay Movement Claims." Social Problems 48:411-28.
Susan Rakosi Rosenbloom and Tina Fetner. 2001. "Sharing Secrets Slowly: Issues of Classroom Self-Disclosure Raised by Student Sex Workers." Teaching Sociology 29:439-53.
Research Grants
2016 Tina Fetner (PI), Michelle Dion, and Melanie Heath. 2016. McMaster University Arts Research Board Major Collaborative Seed Grant. "Sexuality and Welfare Regimes in OECD Countries." $12,352.
2015 Tina Fetner. McMaster University Arts Research Board Travel Grant. $1,437.
2014 President's Award for Excellence in Graduate Supervision. $500.
2013-15 Tina Fetner (PI). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Insight Development Grant. "Survey of Sexual Behaviour in Canada: A Pilot Study," $73,529.
2013 Tina Fetner (PI) and Gerald Bierling. Forward With Integrity Grant, McMaster University. “Using Active Learning Classrooms to Support Undergraduate Research.” $6,000.
2013-15 Tina Fetner and Jerry Hurley (co-PIs), Michelle Dion, James Dunn, Melanie Heath, Abigail Payne and Byron Spencer (co-Investigators). McMaster Faculty of Social Sciences Collaborative Initiative Grant. "McMaster Institute for Empirical Social Science Research," $94,850
2011-14 Tina Fetner (PI). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant #410-2011-2369. "Economic Inequality and Prejudice in Cross-National Perspective." $38,714.
2009 Tina Fetner (PI). McMaster Incentive Grant. "Policy, Trust and Tolerance." $5,000.
2007-10 Adam Green (PI), Barry Adam and Tina Fetner (co-I). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant. "The Changing Face of Matrimony in Canada." $74,000.
2008 Tina Fetner. McMaster University Arts Research Board Travel Grant.
2007-08 Tina Fetner (PI). McMaster University Faculty of Social Sciences Academic Innovation Grant. "Learning Technologies for Large Lectures: Video Podcasts and Clickers." $1,160.
2006-09 Tina Fetner (PI). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada Standard Research Grant #410-2006-1385. "Youth Activism in Gay-Straight Alliances." $56,396.
2005 Tina Fetner (PI). McMaster University Arts Research Board. "Canadians' Changing Attitudes toward Homosexuality." $6,751.