Denton Margaret, Professor Emeritus
Margaret Denton
Professor Emeritus
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Health Aging & Society
Dr. Margaret Denton is Professor of Health, Aging, and Society, and Sociology and former Director of the McMaster Centre for Gerontological Studies. Her areas of research expertise include women’s health, heath services research (home health care), age friendly cities, age inequality, and work, retirement, and pensions. She has held numerous research grants including a recent grant from the Canadian Institutes Health Research, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario, and Human Resources Social Development Canada. Recently, as a Director for the Hamilton Council on Aging she applied for and received a grant from the Trillium Foundations for an Age Friendly Hamilton initiative. She is coinvestigator with the Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population (SEDAP II) grant. In this research she is examining issues related to gender differences in areas such as financial security and health. Her most recent publications are found in Canadian Public Policy, Healthcare Policy, Research on Women and Aging, Social Sciences and Medicine, International Journal of Health Services, Home Health Care Quarterly, and the Canadian Journal on Aging. She has experience supervising students at the undergraduate and gradulate level.
Areas of Interest
Sociology of aging: formal caregiving, health and aging, community health and social services, long term care, supportive housing, retirement and income inequality, age and gender inequality
Current Scholarly and Professional Activities
Editorial Boards: Journal of Applied Gerontology, Canadian Review of Sociology
Grant and Personnel Committees: Chair, CIHR-Institute on Aging, Grant Review Committee, Social Dimensions of Aging Board, Hamilton Council on Aging, 2008
Chair: LHIN 4 Dementia Network Research Committee
Co-Chair: Age Friendly Hamilton Committee
Member: Ontario Interdisciplinary Council on Aging and Health (OICAH) Council of Ontario Universities
Supervisor (Completed) | Committee Member (Completed) |
Supervisor (In Progress) |
Committee Member (In Progress) | |
MA | 5 | 3 | 4 | |
PhD | 1 | 10 | 1 | 3 |
Gerontology (Hons) | 25 | 1 |
Research Funding (last 5 years)
2009-2011. Jenny Pleog, Margaret Denton, Brian Hutchinson, Kevin Brazil, Joe Tindale, Carrie Mcainey & Ainsely Moore. Facilitating Older Adults Access to Community Support Services. Canadian Institute of Health Research-Institute on Aging. ($75,000)
2005-2008. Margaret Denton, Jenny Pleog, Monica Quinlan, Brian Hutchinson, Kevin Brazil, Joe Tindale. Older Adults Access to Community Support Services: Service Awarness and Information Sources. Canadian Institute of Health Research-Institute on Aging. ($200,000)
2005-2011. Byron Spencer (Principal Investigator), Margaret Denton & et al. "Social and Economic Dimensions of an Aging Population. II Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. ($5,O96,478)
2003-2005. Isik Zeytinoglu & Margaret Denton (Co-investigators). Satisfied Workers: Job Satisfaction, Burnout, Physical Health and Retention. Canadian Health Services Research Foundation & Ontario Ministry of Health, Long Term Care and the Community Care Research Centre. ($134,412)
2003-2006. Parminder Raina (Principal Investigator), Pasqualina, Santaguida, Alan Taniguchi, Kevin Brazil & Margaret Denton. Diffusion and Dissemination of Evidence-Based Interventions for Prevention and Screening of Diseases in the Elderly, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, ($96,320)
Lifetime Publications
Edited Books |
1 |
Contributions to Books |
17 |
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles |
49 |
Technical Reports |
38 |
Presentations Invited |
32 |
Presentations |
79 |
PhD, Sociology, McMaster University, 1984
MA, Sociology, McMaster University, 1976
BA Hons, Psychology, McMaster University, 1970
Publications (last 5 years)
Denton, M., Ploeg, J., Tindale, J., Hutchison, B., Brazil, K., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Lillie, J., Plenderleith, J.M. 2009. Would Older Adults Turn to Community Support Services for Help to Maintain their Independence?. Journal of Applied Gerontology, online November 14th 2009
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Denton, M., Davies, S., Plenderlieth, J.M., 2009. Office Home Care Workers’ Occupational Health: Associations with Workplace Flexibility and Worker Insecurity Healthcare Policy 4(4) 108-121.
Ploeg, J., Denton, M., Tindale, J., Hutchison, B., Brazil, K., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Lillie, J., Plenderleith, J.M. 2009. Older Adults’ Awareness of Community Health and Support Services for Dementia Care. Canadian Journal on Aging, 28(4): 350-370.
Andrews, G., Campbell, L., Denton, M. & McGilton, C. 2009 Gerontology in Canada: History, Challenges, Research. Aging International 34:136-153.
Denton, M., Ploeg, J., Tindale, J., Hutchison, B., Brazil, K., Akhtar-Danesh, N., Quinlan, M., Lillie, J., Millen, J., & Boos, L. 2008. Where Would You Turn for Help? Older Adults’ Awareness of Community Support Services. Canadian Journal on Aging 27(4)
Denton, M., Zeytinoglu, I.U., Kusch, K., Davis, S. 2007. Managed Care, Its Impact on Job Satisfaction and Propensity to Leave in Home Care. Canadian Public Policy, 33, Supplement. S81-S99
Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., Davies, S., Baumann, A., Blythe, J., & Boos, L. 2007. Associations between Work Intensification, Stress and Job Satisfaction The Case of Nurses in Ontario. Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 62(2), 201-225.
Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., Davies, S., Baumann, A., Blythe, J. & Boos, L. 2007. Deteriorated External Work Environment, Heavy Workload and Nurse’s Job Satisfaction. Canadian Public Policy 33, S31-47.
Denton, M., & Boos, L. 2007. Gender Gap in Wealth: Structural and Material Constraints, Journal of Women & Aging, 19, 105-120.
Denton, M., Zeytinoglu, I., Davies, S., Hunter, D. 2006. Where Have all the Homecare Workers Gone. Health Services Restructuring in Canada: New Evidence and New Directions, Charles Beach, Richard Chaykowski, Sam Shortt, France St-Hilaire, and Arthur Sweetman (eds.). Kingston: John Deutsch Institute, Queen's University and Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy pp. 245-268.
Denton, M., Zeytinoglu, I., Davies, S., Hunter, D. 2006. The Impact of Implementing Managed Competition on Home Care Workers = Turnover Decisions. Healthcare Policy, 1(4):106-123.
Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., Bauman, A., Blythe, J. & Boos, L. 2006. Retaining Nurses in their Employing Hospitals and in the Profession: Effects of Job Preference, Unpaid Overtime, Importance of Earnings and Stress. Health Policy 79:57-72.
Zeytinoglu, I.U., Denton, M., Davies, S.L. Impact de l'intensification du travail sur le stress des travailleurs dans les soins de santé à domicile. Organization, et intensité du travail Askenazy, P., Cartron, D., de Coninck, F., et Gollac, M. (eds.) Octares Editions, Toulouse France. Pp 291-302.
Blythe, J., Baumann, A., Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., & Higgins. Nursing Generations in the Contemporary Workplace. 2006. Journal of Public Administration.
Blythe, J., Baumann, A., Zeytinoglu, I., Denton, M., & Higgins, A. 2005. Full-time or Part-time Work in Nursing: Preferences, Trade-offs and Choices. Healthcare Quarterly, 8(3), 69-77.
Kemp, C., Rosenthal, C., & Denton, M. 2005. Planning for Later Life: Catalysts and Constraints Journal of Aging Research 19 (2005): 273-290
Hayward, L., Davies, S., Rob, R., Denton, M., & Auton, G. 2004. Publically Funded and Family-Friend Care in the Case of Long-Term Illness: The Role of the Spouse. Canadian Journal on Aging. 23 (Supplement 1):S39-48.
Denton, M., Kemp, C., French, S., Gafni, A., Joshi, A., Rosenthal, C., & Davies, S 2004. Reflexive Planning for Later Life. Canadian Journal on Aging. 23 (Suplement 1):S71-82.
Berger, E. & Denton, M. 2004. The Interplay Between Women's Work Histories and Financial Planning for Later Life. Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement 1):S99-114.
Rosenthal, C., Hayward, L., Martin-Matthews, A., & Denton, M. 2004. Help to Older Parents and Parent-in-Law: Does Paid Employment Constrain Women's Helping Behaviour?. Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement 1):S115- 130.
Ploeg, J., Campbell, L., Denton, M., Joshi, A., and Davies, S. 2004. Helping to Build and Rebuild Secure Lives and Futures: Financial Transfers from Parents to Adult Children and Grandchildren. Canadian Journal on Aging 23 (Supplement 1):S145- 144.
Denton, M., Walters, V. & Prus, S. 2004. Gender Differences in Health: A Canadian study of the Psychosocial, Structural and Behavioural Determinants of Health. Social Sciences and Medicine 58: 2585-2600.
Aronson, J., Denton, M. & Zeytinoglu, I. 2004. Market-Modeled Home Care in Ontario: Deteriorating Working Conditions and Dwindling Community Capacity. Canadian Public Policy, XXX (1): 111-125.