DeMaio Peter
Peter DeMaio has worked as a Research Assistant for the Health Forum's Impact Lab at McMaster University (September 2013 – August 2015). His undergraduate research included:
A mixed-methodology study of changing practices and experiences of older adults who use complementary and alternative medicine (Supervised by Dr. Gavin Andrews, Professor in the Department of Health, Aging and Society).
A scoping review of the literature on adult day centres (Supervised by Dr. Michael Wilson, Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics).
Research Interests:
Community-based and home care for older adults; Respite care for caregivers of persons with dementia; Use of research evidence in policy decision-making processes; Complementary and alternative medicine.
MA (2016) Health & Aging, McMaster University
BA Honours (2015) Health Studies & Gerontology, McMaster University
TA Experience:
January-April 2016
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Prof. Geraldine Voros
SOC SCI 2CC3: Canadian Children (online course)
January-April 2016
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Prof. Geraldine Voros
HLTH AGE 2B03: Social Identity, Health and Illness
September-December 2015
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Gish
HLTH AGE 2BB3: Perspectives in Health Studies & Gerontology
January-April 2015
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Prof. Geraldine Voros
SOC SCI 2CC3: Canadian Children (online course)
September-December 2014
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Jessica Gish
HLTH AGE 2A03: Research Methods in Health and Aging
January-April 2014
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Prof. Geraldine Voros
HLTH AGE 1AA3: Introduction to Health Studies