DeCicca Philip, Associate Professor | Research Associate, NBER | Associate Editor, Health Economics | Associate Editor, Journal of Health Economics | On leave until July 2019
Philip DeCicca
Associate Professor | Research Associate, NBER | Associate Editor, Health Economics | Associate Editor, Journal of Health Economics | On leave until July 2019
Department of Economics
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests: Health Economics, Labour Economics, Public Economics
Ph.D. University of Michigan 2005
ECON 4A03- Honours Seminar Economics- Winter 2016
ECON 773- Winter 2016
ECON 793- Winter 2016
Office Hours: By Appointment
Recent Publications:
DeCicca, Philip, Kenkel, Donald S. and Feng Liu (2013). Who pays cigarette taxes? Evidence from consumer search behavior, Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(2)
DeCicca, Philip, Kenkel, Donald S. and Feng Liu (2013). Excise tax avoidance: The case of state cigarette taxes, Journal of Health Economics, 32(6): 1130-1141
DeCicca, Philip and Justin Smith (2013). The long-run impacts of early childhood education: Evidence from a failed policy experiment, Economics of Education Review, 36: 41-59
Li, Jinhu, Hurley, Jeremiah, DeCicca, Philip and Gioia Buckley (2013). Physician response to pay-for-performance: Evidence from a natural experiment, forthcoming in Health Economics.
Working Papers:
DeCicca, Philip and Cong Li (2014). Cigarette excise taxes and older adult smoking: New evidence that taxes matter, Revise and resubmit requested.
DeCicca, Philip, Kenkel, Donald S. and Feng Liu (2014). Reservation prices: An economic analysis of cigarette purchases on Indian reservations, Revise and resubmit requested.
DeCicca, Philip and Donald S. Kenkel (2014). Synthesizing econometric evidence: the case of demand elasticity estimates, Revise and resubmit requested
DeCicca, Philip (2014). Health insurance availability and entrepreneurship, Under review.
DeCicca Philip and Cong Li (2014). Do higher cigarette taxes lead smokers to lose (self) control?, Under review.