Cursio Daniel, PhD Student
Daniel Cursio
PhD Student
Graduate Students
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
Supervisor: Dr. James Gillett
Research Interests: Medical Sociology; Health Geography; Health Psychology; Cognitive Psychology; Education-Based Policy; Health and Medical Education; Community-Based Research; First Response Systems; Emergency Medicine Systems in Sport
PhD (Student) in Health & Society, McMaster University
MEd, Specialization in Teaching, Learning, and Development, Brock University (2018)
BA (Hons) in Integrated Studies; Minor in French Studies/Literature, Brock University (2017)
BEd in Junior/Intermediate Divisions; teachable in French as a Second Language (2017)
OCT - Ontario Certified Teacher (2017)
TA Experience:
September-December 2018
Teaching Assistant, McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. Sarah Clancy
HLTH AGE 1AA3: Introduction to Health & Society
September-December 2017
Teaching Assistant, Brock University
Supervisor: Prof. Dolana Mogadime
EDUC 3P00: Foundations of Curriculum
Selected Publications:
Cursio, D. (2018). First aid: A Critical Component of School Health Education. Brock University Digital Repository.
RA Experience:
January-April 2019
Research Assistant, Department of Communication Studies & Multimedia
McMaster University
Supervisor(s): Dr. David Harris Smith & Dr. Vickie Galea
September-December 2018
Research Assistant, McMaster Institute for Research on Aging
McMaster University
Supervisor: Dr. James Gillett
January-April 2018
Research Assistant, Faculty of Education
Brock University
Supervisor: Dr. Mira Bajovic