Chan Kenneth, Professor Emeritus

Kenneth Chan
Professor Emeritus
McMaster Decision Science Laboratory (McDSL)
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Economics
Area(s) of Interest:
Research Interests: International Trade and Finance, Experimental Economics, Economic Development, China Economy
- Ph.D. Economics. Brown University 1977
- M.A. Economics. Brown University 1973
- B.A. Sc. (Engineering). University of Toronto 1969
(A) Peer-reviewed Journal Articles
Chan, K.S., Xianbo Zhou and Zhewan Pan; The Growth and Inequality Nexus: The Case of China; International Review of Economics and Finance; Forthcoming.
Chan, K.S., Xianxiang Xu and Yuanhua Gao, The China Growth Miracle: The Role of the Formal and the Informal Institutions; The World Economy; Forthcoming.
Chan K.S., Jennifer T. Lai and Isabel K.M. Yan; Consumption Risk Sharing and Self-insurance Across Provinces in China: 1952-2008; China Economic Review 30, 66-85; 2014
Chan, K.S. and J-P Laffargue; The growth and decline of the modern sector and the merchant class in imperial China; Review of Development Economics. 18(1) 13-28; 2014.
Chan K.S., Vivian Lei and Filip Vesely; Differentiated Assets: An Experimental Study on Bubbles, Economic Inquiry, Vol. 51, No. 3, 1731–1749; July 2013,
Chan K.S., Jennifer T. Lai and Isabel K.M. Yan; Is the Provincial Capital Market Segmented in China? Review of Development Economics, 17(3), 430–446, 2013
Chan K.S., Vinh Q.T. Dang and Isabel K.M. Yan; Effects of Financial Liberalization and Political Connection on Listed Chinese Firms’ Financing Constraints, The World Economy, 2012, 35-4, pp. 483–499.
Chan K.S., Vinh Q.T. Dang and Isabel K.M. Yan; Chinese Firms' Political Connection, Ownership Type, and Financing Constraints,Economics Letters 115 2012; 115, pp. 164-167
Chan, K.S. and J-P Laffargue; Foreign Threats, Technological Progress and the Rise and Decline of Imperial China, Pacific Economic Review, 2012, 280-303.
Chan K.S., Vinh Q.T. Dang and Isabel K.M. Yan ; Financial Liberalization and Financing Constraints: Some Evidence from Panel Data of Chinese Firms; China Economic Review 2012, 23., pp. 482-497.
Chan K.S. and Vinh Q.T. Dang, The 1992 Japanese Financial Collapse and the 1997-8 East Asian Currency Crisis: A Coincidence?,Review of International Economics. January 2012; 20-1; 1-17.
Chan, K.S., S. Mestelman, R. Moir, R.A. Muller; Communication, Equity and the Voluntary Provision of a Public Good by Heterogeneous Groups, Journal of Socio-Economics, 2012, January; 41-1; 87-94
Chan K.S., Vinh Q.T. Dang, Jennifer T. Lai, and Isabel K.M. Yan; Regional Capital Mobility in China: 1978-2006, Journal of International Money and Finance, November 2011; 30-7; 1506-1515
Chan K.S., Vinh Q.T. Dang , Ming Ming Jiang and Isabel K.M. Yan; On China’s Provincial Capital Mobility and the Role of the Government: Empirical Evidence Over 1970-2006; The World Economy, 2011, July; 34-7,1216-36
Chan K.S. and V. Q.T. Dang Unilateral Trade Liberalization and Export-Led Growth in the World Economy: Some Post-War Evidence. Empirical Economics, March 2010; 38-3; 689-70
Chan K.S., Foreign Trade, Commercial Policies and the Political Economy of the Song and Ming Dynasties of China, Australian Economic History Review. 48-1. March 2008. 69-90
Chan, K.S., Trade, Social Values and the Generalized Trust, Southern Economic Journal. 73-3, January 2007, 733-753.
Chan K.S. ; Trust Games, the Moral of the Story , Pacific Economic Review. 11-2, 2006, 223-46.
Chan K.S., R. Godby, S. Mestelman and R.A. Muller; Crowding Out Voluntary Contributions To Public Goods, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 48. 2002. 305-317.
Chan K.S.; Trade and Bureaucracy Efficiency, Economic Development and Cultural Change. 50-3, April 2002. 735-754.
Chan K.S., C.C. Chao and W.L. Chou; Contagion and Trade Similarities Among the Asian Crisis Economies, Journal of Asian Economics,13. 2002. 271-283
Chan K.S., Currency Substitution between the Hong Kong Dollars and the Reminbi in South China, Pacific Economic Review.February 2002. 37-50.
Chan, K.S. and Y.S. Chu; The Role of (Non-)transparency in a Currency Crisis Model , European Economic Review. 46-2, February 2002: 397-416.
Chan K.S., C.C. Chao and W.L. Chou; Financial Linkages among the Asian Crisis Economies. The World Economy, August 2001, 24-8: 977-988.
Chan K.S., Neil Buckley, Stuart Mestelman, James Chowhan, and Mohamed Shehata, Value Orientations: Income and Displacement Effects; Experimental Economics, 2001. 4: 183-195.
Chan, K.S., R. Moir, S. Mestelman and R.A. Muller, Heterogeneity and The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods, Experimental Economics, 2:5-30, 1999.
Chan, K.S., and K.J. Ngiam, Currency Crises and the Modified Currency Board System in Singapore, Pacific Economic Review 3-3. October 1998. 243-263
Chan, K.S., R. Godby, S. Mestelman and R.A. Muller, Equity Theory and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods When Income is Not Distributed Equally, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Vol. 32, No. 3, March 1997, 349-364.
Chan, K.S., Exchange Rate Arrangements among Sticky and Flexible Price Countries: Implications for Some Asia-Pacific Economies.International Economic Journal. Vol.10 No.1 Spring. 1996. 21-32.
Chan, K.S., R. Godby, S. Mestelman and R.A. Muller; Spite, Guilt and the Voluntary Provision of Public Goods When Income is Not Distributed Equally, Canadian Journal of Economics, Special Issue, Part 2, April, 1996. 605-609.
Chan, K.S., S. Mestelman, R. Moir and R.A. Muller; The Voluntary Provision of Public Goods Under Varying Income Distributions, Canadian Journal of Economics. 29. 1996. 25-49.
Chan, K.S., On Trade Negotiation and Trade Diversification: Evidence from Canadian Clothing Import Quotas Vol 40, No. 2. Journal of Development Economics.1993. pp.361-70.
Chan, K.S., and K.J. Ngiam, Currency Union Between Brunei and Singapore: A Cost-benefit Analysis. Singapore Economic Review. October 1992. pp.21-34.
Chan, K.S., Bilateral Trade Negotiations and Trade Diversification: Evidence from Semi-Industrialized Countries, Vol 36. Journal of Development Economics. Oct.1991. pp.243- 257.
Chan, K.S., and Se-Hark Park, A Reply to Lewis, World Development Vol.19, No.12 Dec., 1991.
Chan, K.S., and Se-Hark Park , A Cross-Country Study on the Role of the Service Sector, Journal of Economic Development, Vol. 14, No. 2, Dec., 1989, pp. 35-54.
Chan, K.S., and Se-Hark Park, A Cross-country Input-Output Analysis of Linkages Between Industry and Services and Their Implications for Employment Generation", World Development. Vol. 17, February 1989, pp. 199-212.
Chan, K.S., Trade Negotiations in a Nash Bargaining Model, Journal of International Economics, November 1988, pp. 353-363.
Chan, K.S., and S. Mestelman, Institutions, Efficiency and the Strategic Behaviour of Sponsors and Bureaus, Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 37 1988, pp. 91-102.
Chan, K.S., Optimum Trade Policies and Retaliation, Canadian Journal of Economics, May 1988, pp. 427-433.
Chan, K.S., The Production Effect of Discrimination: A Conceptual Investigation, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, June 1987, pp. 307-314.
Chan, K.S., International Negotiation Game: Some Evidence from the Tokyo Round, Review of Economics and Statistics. Aug. 1985, pp. 456-464. Reprinted in The International Political Economy of Trade. edited by David A. Lake. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. Glos. UK. 1992.
Chan, K.S. and Y.M. Ioannides; Inventories, Rational Expectations and Economic Activities Vol. 12, 1983 Economics Letters, pp. 235-241.
Chan, K.S. Rational Expectation and the Optimality of Foreign Exchange Market, Canadian Journal of Economics, Feb. 1982. pp. 165-174.
Chan, K.S. and Y.M. Ioannides; Layoff Unemployment, Risk Shifting and Productivity, Quarterly Journal of Economics, May 1982, pp. 213-229.
Chan, K.S., A Model of Employment Discrimination of Labor Market Disequilibrium, Volume 5, No. 2, 1980, Economics Letters, pp. 183-188.
Chan, K.S., A Behavioral Model of Bureaucracy", April 1979, Southern Economic Journal, pp. 1188-1194.
Chan, K.S., A Dynamic Evaluation of Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes, December 1979, American Economic Review, pp. 843-854.
Chan, K.S., The Employment Effects of Tariffs Under Free Exchange Rate Regimes - a Monetary Approach, August 1978, Journal of International Economics, pp. 415-423.
Chan, K.S.; The Economic Consequences of the 200-Mile Seabed Zone: The Replenishable Resource Case, May 1978, Canadian Journal of Economics, pp. 314-318.
(B) Peer-reviewed Book Chapters
“The Late Qing Dynasty to the Early Republic of China: A Period of Great Institutional Transformation”. Chapter 2, in Chow Gregory C. and Dwight H. Perkins ed. Routledge Handbook of the Chinese Economy, New York, N.Y.: Routledge, 2014
"Voluntary Provision of Public Goods", with Stuart Mestelman and R. Andrew Muller, Handbook of Experimental Economics Results, Charles R. Plott and Vernon L. Smith Edited. North-Holland: Amsterdam. 2008.
A Case For A Modified Currency Boar System in Singapore", with K.J. Ngiam, in Currency Board System: A Stop-Gap Measure or A Necessary. Edited by Maggie Tan, Board of Commissioners of Currency, Singapore. 1997.
"Exchange Rate Policies of Hong Kong and Singapore: A Selective Comparison" in Challenges and Opportunities of the Three Chinese Economies edited by Chyau Tuan and Linda Ng. The Chinese University of Hong Kong Press, Hong Kong. 1996.
"A Tale of Two Currencies - Brunei and Singapore" by Chan, K.S. and K.J. Ngiam in Prudence at The Helm. Board of Commissioners of Currency, Singapore. 25th Anniversary Book.1992. pp.37-48.
A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia and the Philippines Country Report. The Economic Council of Canada, 1992. 134 pages.
An Input-Output Analysis of the Linkages Between Industry and Services and their Implications for Employment Generation. (1986), UNIDO publication (with Se-Hark Park), 72 pages.
A Regression and A Decomposition Analysis of Structural Change: A Cross-Country Study (1986), UNIDO publication (with Se-Hark Park), 39 pages.
"Fisheries", Chapter 6 in The Resource Base for Industrialization in the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries: A Framework for Cooperation (1983), Group Project UNIDO (U83-59032), pp.195-355.
(C) Peer-reviewed Conference Volume
"Inventories, Rational Expectations and Sticky Prices", by Chan, K.S. and Y.M. Ioannides in Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Inventories edited by A. Chikan. ISIR and Akademiai, Kiado, Budapest, (1984) pp. 47-56.
(D) Report
A Comparative Analysis of Malaysia and the Philippines (1992) Country Report. The Economic Council of Canada, 134 pages.
Chan, K.S. and J-P Laffargue “Dynastic Cycles in Imperial China: An Institutional Perspectives” 2013, 29 pages.
Chan, K.S., C.H. Lu and B. Qu “the Silk road: a Model of Luxury Goods Trade between Imperial China and Medieval Europe in the Tang and Song dynasties” 2009 . 35 pages
Chan, K.S. “ Is there a theory of economic development in Yijing (the book of changes)? Institution versus Geography nexus” 2011, 27 pages
‘Trade Policy Schedules and Retaliations’ 16 pages, revised Fall 2011
“Institutions and the Comparative Advantage of Nations”, 25 pages. June 2006.