Carveth Nicholas, PhD Student

Dissertation Working Title: The Jouissance of Addiction and the Moral Vicissitudes of 'Treatment'
Supervisor: Dr. Ameil Joseph
Committee Members: Dr. Ann Fudge-Schormans & Dr. Neil McLoughlin
Nicholas is entering his fourth year in the PhD program at McMaster’s School of Social Work in September 2018.
He received both his BSW and MSW from Ryerson University in 2014 and 2015 respectively.
Nick’s training in the field of social work has centred around addressing substance-use and the traumata of marginalization through an integration of critical psychotherapeutic perspectives and harm-reduction service provision. Currently, Nick is also pursuing training at the Advanced Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy Program (ATPPP) of the Toronto Psychoanalytic Society (TPS) and maintains a private practice at home in Toronto.
His doctoral studies engage with traditional and contemporary psychoanalytic theory to examine the discursive, interpersonal and ethical vicissitudes of addiction services under the current conditions of drug prohibition in Canada.
If you wish to keep up with Nick's work you are invited to visit his blog page at: