Budros Art, Associate Professor

Art Budros
Associate Professor
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Historical-Comparative Macrosociology
Sociology of Slavery
Social Movements
Organizations and Industries
Social Stratification and Mobility
Research Grants
ARB Research Grant, McMaster University; 2002; analysis of slave manumissions in Brunswick County, Virginia, from 1782 to 1862.
ARB Research Grant, McMaster University; 1998; analysis of retrenchment among universities in Ontario, Canada.
ARB Research Grant, McMaster University; 1996; analysis of downsizings among Canadian firms.
Ph.D.,University of California at Los Angeles, 1989
Selected Publications
2005 The Antislavery Movement in Early America: Religion, Social Environment, and Slave Manumissions. Social Forces .
2004 Social Shocks and Slave Social Mobility: Manumission in Brunswick County, Virginia, 1782-1862. American Journal of Sociology 110: 539-579.
2004 Causes of Early and Later Organizational Adoption: The Case of Corporate Downsizing. Sociological Inquiry 74: 355-380.
2002 "Do University Presidents Make a Difference? A Strategic Leadership Theory of University Retrenchment. Canadian Journal of Higher Education 32: 91-124.
2002 The Mean and Lean Firm: Causes of Involuntary and Voluntary Downsizing Strategies. Sociological Forum 17: 307-342.
2001 An Institutional Theory of Organizational Retrenchment: Adoption of Early Faculty Retirement Programs among Ontario Universities. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 18: 221-236.
2000 "Organizational Types and Organizational Innovation: Downsizing among Industrial, Financial, and Utility Firms." Sociological Forum 15: 273-306.
1999 "A Conceptual Framework for Analyzing Why Organizations Downsize." Organization Science 10: 69-81.
1997 "The New Capitalism and Organizational Rationality: The Adoption of Downsizing Programs, 1979-1994." Social Forces 76: 229-50.
1994 "Analyzing Unexpected Density Dependence Findings in the U.S. Life Insurance Industry." Organization Science 3: 541-53.
1993 "An Analysis of Organizational Birth Types: Organizational Start-ups and Entries in the U.S. Life Insurance Industry." Social Forces 72: 198-222.
1992 "The Making of an Industry: Organizational Births in the U.S. Life Insurance Industry." Social Forces 70: 1013-33.
1988 "Powerlessness, Work, and Community: A Longitudinal Study of Alienation and Alcohol Use." (with Melvin and Alice Seeman).Journal of Health and Social Behavior 29: 185-98.
1983 "The Ethnic Vice Industry Revisited." Ethnic and Racial Studies 6: 438-56.