Boothe Katherine, Associate Professor
Katherine Boothe
Associate Professor
Department of Political Science
Master of Public Policy Program
Area(s) of Interest:
Katherine Boothe studies health and social policy in mature welfare states, with a focus on pharmaceutical policies. She has published a book, Ideas and the Pace of Change (2015, UTP) on the development of public pharmaceutical insurance programs in Canada, Australia, and the UK. It argues Canada’s lack of broad public pharmaceutical insurance can be explained by early decisions to take a slow, step-wise approach to health policy development. Her current research focuses on changes in drug assessment and reimbursement policies. She is particularly interested in the role of patients and the public in health policy decision making, and the role of ideas about evidence and legitimacy in health policy decisions.
Katherine is interested in supervising students on topics related to health and social policy, federalism, the role of ideas in public policy, and projects that examine the development of policy over time.
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Science - University of Alberta
- Master of Arts in Political Science - University of British Columbia
- PhD in Political Science - University of British Columbia
*on research leave 2017/2018*
Political Science 706 - The Comparative Politics of Health Policy
Political Science 783 - Comparative Public Policy
Political Science 4RR3 - Health Policy in the Industrialized World
Political Science 2M03 - Comparative Politics of Advanced Industrial Nations
Katherine Boothe. 2016. "Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals in Canada." Health Reform Observer 14(1):1-20.
Katherine Boothe. 2015. Ideas and the pace of change: National pharmaceutical insurance in Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Katherine Boothe. 2013. "Ideas and the limit on program expansion: the failure of nation-wide pharmacare in Canada, 1944-2002" Canadian Journal of Political Science 46(2).
- Katherine Boothe. 2012. “How the pace of change affects the scope of reform: pharmaceutical insurance in Canada, Australia and the UK.” Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 37(5): 779-814.
- Katherine Boothe and Kathryn Harrison. 2009. “The Influence of Institutions on Issues Definition: Children’s Environmental Health Policy in the United States and Canada.” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, 11(3): 287-307.
- Steve Morgan, Jae Kennedy, Katherine Boothe, Meghan McMahon, Diane Watson, Elizabeth Roughead. 2009. “Toward an Understanding of High Performance Pharmaceutical Policy Systems: A “Triple-A” Framework and Example Analysis.” The Open Health Services and Policy Journal, 2:1-9.
- Baier, Gerald and Katherine Boothe. 2007. "What is Asymmetrical Federalism and Why Should Canadians Care?" In Thomas Bateman and Richard Myers (eds.), Braving the New World 4th edition. Scarborough: Nelson.
- Boothe, Paul and Katherine Boothe. 2006. “Personal Income Tax and Redistribution in the Canadian Federation.” In Sujit Choudhry, Jean-Francois Gaudreault-DesBiens, and Lorne Sossin (eds.), Dilemmas of Solidarity: Rethinking Redistribution in the Canadian Federation, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.