Bailey Aly, Postdoctoral Fellow
Aly Bailey
Postdoctoral Fellow
Postdoctoral Fellows
Department of Health Aging & Society
Area(s) of Interest:
Aly Bailey is a Mitacs Postdoc at McMaster University and Adjunct Professor at the University of Guelph. Her research falls at the intersection of kinesiology and social justice, exploring the ways notions of "fitness" have been weaponized against certain people (e.g., racialized people, 2SLGBTQAI+ people, people with disabilities, and fat/thick/curvy/plus sized people) causing oppression and harm. She recently completed a SSHRC-funded postdoctoral fellowship at Re•Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice and is currently Principal Investigator on a SSHRC Insight Development Grant titled “ReVisioning Fitness,” an arts-based participatory research project. This project involves working with members of the community across minoritized differences (people with disability, LGBTQ+ people, BIPOC, and people who identify as fat/thick/curvy/plus sized) to re-imagine fitness and refuse violent eugenic, ableist, and colonial legacies that dominate the fitness industry.
- PhD in Applied Health Sciences, Brock University (2019)
- MA in Applied Health Sciences, Brock University (2014)
- BA (Hons.) Double Major, Kinesiology and Psychology, York University (2012)
- 3N03 Aging and Mental Health (Health, Aging & Society, Winter, 2020)
ReVisioning fitness through non-normative embodiment. (PI: K. A. Bailey; Co-Apps: C. Rice, E. Kelly, & T.-L. McHugh). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant. Awarded: $58,040. Funding Period: June 2020-2022.
Creative Solidarities: Countering Eugenics in Education (PI: E. Kelly: Co-I: C. Rice, D. Lackeyram, K. Harvey, C. Wehkamp, K. A. Bailey, S. Boye, J. Gray, I. Garrett, D. Dawn, A. Kelly). Office of Teaching & Learning, University of Guelph: Learning Enhancement Fund (LEF). Funding: $50,000.
Body image in primary care: What it means and how patient care is designed to support it (PI: L. Lamarche; Co-I: C. Risdon, K. A. Bailey, & G. Pauw). Department of Family Medicine Pilot Research Project Funding. Awarded: $4,952.90. Funding Period: January 2019-2020.
Centering IDEAS in the Teaching and Learning of a Mental Health and Aging Course. (PI: L. Lamarche; Co-App: K. A. Bailey; Collabs: L. Poplestone, & L. Gallant). Enhancing Accessibility and Equity in Online Courses: IDEAS (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accessibility and Sustainability) Grant. Funds Requested: $3,971.13. Funding Period: January 2021-June 2021.
Countering Eugenics in Education: eCampusOntario (PI: E. Kelly & C. Rice, D. Consultants: Lackeyram, K. Harvey, C. Wehkamp, K. A. Bailey, S. Boye, J. Gray, I. Garrett, & D. Dawn; Elder: M. Stonefish). Funded: $89,500. Funding Period: March 2021-February 2022.
Recent Publications:
Bailey, K. A., Bessey, M., Rice, C., Kelly, E., McHugh, T.-L. F., Punjani, S., & Quest, S. (accepted abstract). In the wake of Canada's violent eugenic legacies: An urgency to ReVision Fitness. Submitted to Call for Papers Leisure and (Anti-)Racism: Towards a Critical Consciousness of Race, Racism, and Racialisation in Canada, Leisure/Loisir.
Griffin, M., & Bailey, K. A. (accepted abstract). #BodyPositive? A critical exploration of the body positive movement within physical cultures taking an intersectionality approach. Submitted for consideration in a special issue: Thinking and doing intersectionality in Sociology of Sport, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living.
Bailey, K. A., Bessey, M., Rice, C., Kelly, E., McHugh, T.-L. F., Dube, B., Tshuma, P., Sookpaiboon, S., Besse, K., Punjani, S., & Quest, S. (revise resubmit). Working collectively across our minoritized differences: Vulnerabilities and possibilities of ReVisioning Fitness. In C. Jones & C. Carter, Contemporary Vulnerabilities, Plans Unraveled: Reflections on Social Justice Methodologies. University of Alberta Press.
Bailey, K. A., Rice, C. Gualtieri, M., & Gillett, J. (accepted). Is #YogaForEveryone? The idealised flexible bodymind in Instagram posts. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise, and Health.
Rice, C., Bailey, K. A., & Cook, K. (2021). Mobilizing interference as methodology and metaphor in disability arts-based inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry, 1-13.
Bailey, K. A., Dagenais, M., & Gammage, K. L. (2021). Is a picture worth a thousand words? Lessons learned from using photo-elicitation to study body image in middle-aged and older adult women with and without multiple sclerosis. Qualitative Health Research, 1-14.
Rice, C., Riley, S., LaMarre, A., & Bailey, K. A. (2021). What can a body do? Rethinking body functionality through a feminist materialist disability lens. Body Image, 38, 95-105.