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Ayhan Berkay, PhD Candidate


Dissertation Title: Financial Literacy, Subjectivity and Political Economy: An Ethnography of Financial Literacy in Turkey

Supervisor: Dr. Stephen McBride

Research Interests: International political economy; comparative politics; international relations theory; public policy and administration


  • PhD, International Relations, McMaster University (expected September 2016)
  • MS, Political Science and Public Administration, Middle East Technical University, 2008
  • BA, Economics, Gazi University, 2006


Sessional Faculty

2015 - 2016
POLSCI 3Q03 (1) The Causes of War


Teaching Assistant

2014 - 2015
POLSCI 2J03 (2)  Global Political Economy

2013 - 2014
POLSCI 2I03 (1)  Global Politics
POLSCI 2J03 (2)  Global Political Economy

2012 - 2013
POLSCI 3Y03 (1)  Democratization and Human Rights
POLSCI 2J03 (2)  Global Political Economy

2011 - 2012
POLSCI 1G06E (3)  Politics and Government



Ayhan, B., & McBride, S. (2015). "Global Crisis and Social Policy in Peripheral Europe: Comparing Ireland, Portugal and Greece". In S. McBride, R. Mahon & G. Boycuk (Eds.), After '08: Social Policy and the Global Financial Crisis (pp. 237-253). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.

Ayhan, B., & Üstüner, Y. (2015). Governance in public procurement: the reform of Turkey`s public procurement system.International Review of Admistrative Sciences, 81(3), 640-662. 

Ayhan, B., & Sağıroğlu, S. (2011). The Political Economy of Islamic Bourgeoisie: The Case of MÜSİAD. Praksis, 27, 117-144.

Ayhan, B., & Üstüner, Y. (2010). Central Bank Independence and the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. TODAİE’s Review of Public Administration, 4(1), 67-92.   

Ayhan, B. (2009). Political Economy and Corporate Social Responsibility. Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(2), 173-187.

Ayhan, B. (2008). The Curse of Robinson Crusoe: Economic Imperialism and the Imperialism of Economics. Doğudan, 5, 80-84.

Selected Conference Presentations

Ayhan, B. (2015, February). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Literacy Education: Insights from Turkey. Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 4 Conference, Hamilton, Canada.

Ayhan, B. (2013, January). Global Financial Crisis and Reform in Ireland. Mapping the Global Dimensions of Policy 2 Conference, Hamilton, Canada.

Ayhan, B. (2011, May). Challenging mainstream economics: Relevance of politics and power. 2nd International Conference in Political Economy: Neoliberalism and the Crises of Economic Science, Istanbul, Turkey.

Ayhan, B. (2010, December). A Critical Exploration of the United Nations Global Compact. The Critical Governance Studies Conference, Coventry, United Kingdom.

Ayhan, B. (2010, July). Re-thinking central banking within the post-crisis global architecture. The Society for the Study of Emerging Market's EuroConference 2010, Muğla, Turkey.

Ayhan, B. (2009, February). European Central Bank: Its establishment, architecture, governance practices and the impact of enlargement. Strenghtening and Integrating Academic Networks PhD School, Brussels, Belgium.