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Archibald Peter, Professor Emeritus

Peter Archibald

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology



Philosophies of Science
The relationship between psychology and sociology
The "Levels of Analysis", "Macro/Micro" problem
Political Economy
Social Psychology
Industrial Sociology, Labour History
Community versus/and Individuality
The social and personal impact of, and response to, economic crises


Research Grants

SSHRCC, Research Grant, "Distress and Dissent: Hamilton Workers in the Great Depression." (1989-1991)


  • Ph.D., University of Michigan, Social Psychology, 1971


Selected Publications


Marx and the Missing Link: "Human Nature" . London: Macmillan, 1989. Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press, 1992 (paperback).

Social Psychology as Political Economy . Toronto/New York: McGraw-Hill Ryerson, 1978.

Book Chapters:

"But what can 'one' do ?: Agency and alienation in economic crises." Pp.39-52 in Felix Geyer (ed.), Alienation, Ethnicity and Postmodernity . Westview, Conn.: Greenwood, 1996.

"Some myths about Marx and alienation: Sociologism and historicism." Pp.123-37 in R.F. Geyer and D.R. Schweitzer (eds.), Alienation Theories and De-alienation Strategies . Norwood: Science Editions, 1989.

(1st author, with O. Adams and J.W. Cartrell) "Propertylessness and Alienation: Reopening a 'Shut' Case" in R.F. Geyer and D.R. Schweitzer (eds.), Alientation: Problems of Meaning, Theory and Method . London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1981.

Journal Articles:

"Do Status Differences among Workers Make a Difference?: The case of Depression Hamilton." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology , 1998, 35 (May):125-63.

"Small expectations and great adjustments: How Hamilton workers most often experienced the Great Depression." Canadian Journal of Sociology , 1996, 21 (3):359-402.

"Distress, dissent and alienation: Hamilton workers in the Great Depression." Urban History Review , 1992, 21 (Oct):3-32.

"Agency and Alienation: Marx's Theories of Individuation and History", Studies in Political Economy , 1985, 16 (Spring), pp. 61-80.

"Psychic Alienation in Marx: The Missing Link?", Praxis International , 1983, 3 (April), pp. 73-81.

"Misplaced Concreteness or Misplaced Abstractness?: Some Reflections on the State of Sociological Social Psychology", American Sociologist , 1977, 12 (February), pp. 8-12.

"Face-to-Face: The alienating effects of class, status, and power divisions", American Sociological Review , 1976, 41 (October), pp. 819-837.

"Using Marx's theory of Alienation Empirically", pp. 59-74 in R.F. Geyer and D.R. Scheweitzer (eds.), Theories of Alienation . The Hauge: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976. Reprinted in Theory and Society , 1978, 6 (Summer), pp. 119-132.

"Psychology, sociology and social psychology: Bad fences make bad neighbours", British Journal of Sociology , 1976, 27 (June), pp. 115-129.

(1st author, with R. Cohen) "Self-presentation, embarrassment, and facework as a function of self-evaluation, conditions of self-presentation, and feedback from others", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology , 1971, 20 (December), pp. 287-297.