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Anne Bailey Kerry

Kerry Anne Bailey

Contract and Sessional Faculty
Department of Sociology

Area(s) of Interest:


Research Interests

Indigenous Peoples
Race and Ethnicity
Social Inequality
Qualitative Methods

Invited Talks

Discussant - "Canada at the Crossroads: Boundaries, Bridges, and Laissez-Faire Racism in Indigenous-Settler Relations" by Dr Denis - September 16th 2016.

Guest Speaker - Case Studies of Social Inequality (Course 2RR3 - Sociology, McMaster University), Dr. Jeffrey Denis - March 22 2016

Indigenous Studies Program - Speaker Series - Feb 6 2014

Conference Presentations

June 2017. "Indigenous Student Communities: Sites of Both Empowerment and Discord”. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Toronto ON

June 2015. "From Reconciliation to Revolution". Paper presented with Dr. Jeff Denis at the Canadian Sociological Association Conference, Ottawa, ON.

August 2014. "Racism Within The University: Indigenous Students' Experiences". Paper presented at the American Sociological Association Conference, San Francisco, CA

June 2014. "Racism and the Boundaries it Creates within the Canadian University Environment". Paper presented at the Qualitative Analysis Conference, University of Western, London, ON.

June 2013. "Racism Within The Canadian University Environment". Paper Presented at the Canadian Sociology Association Conference, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC.

May 2013. "Effects of Post-Secondary Education For Aboriginal Canadians". Paper Presented at the annual Jane Synge Memorial Conference, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.

April 2005. "A Life History". Paper Presented at the annual University of Guelph Graduate Student Conference, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.

 Selected Grants and Awards

Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral Award, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, 09/2014-12/2018


  • Ph.D. Sociology. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON.
    • Committee: Jeff Denis (Supervisor), Vic Satzewich, Melanie Heath
    • Dissertation: "Racism in the University: Indigenous Students' Experiences
    • Comprehensive exams: Race and Ethnicity, Distinction, Social Inequality
  • M.A. Sociology. 2009. University of Guelph, Guelph, ON.
    • Committee: Terisa Turner (Advisor), Vivian Shalla, Belinda Leach
    • Thesis: "Disunity, Power, and Resistance: The Mackenzie Gas Pipeline and the Dene in Canada's
    • Northwest Territories - 1974 - 2008"
  • B.A. (Honours) Anthropology. 2004. University of Western, London, ON
  • B.A. Psychology. 2003. University of Western, London, ON


Teaching Assistantships:

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CAN                             

Teaching Assistant                                                                                       

  • Sociology of Work and Occupations (2SS3) (L.Samuel) January 2019 - April 2019
  • Case Studies of Social Inequality (2RR3) (C.Torres) January 2019 - April 2019
  • Perspectives of Inequality (2R03) (L.Samuel) September 2018 – December 2018
  • Sociology of Gender (2HH3) (L.Samuel) September 2018 – December 2018
  • Sociology Students and the Work World(4HH3)(D.Young) September 2018 – December 2018
  • Perspectives on Social Inequality (2RR3E) (P.Chong) January 2017 – April 2017
  • Case Studies in Social Inequality (2R03) (L.Samuel) September 2016 – December 2016
  • Racial and Ethnic Group Relations (2E06) (L.Samuel) September 2016 – December 2016
  • Perspectives on Social Inequality (2RR3E) (J.Denis) January 2016 – April 2016
  • Introduction to Sociological Research (2Z03) (P.Glavin) September 2015 – December 2015
  • Race and Ethnic Relations (2E06) (L.Samuel) September 2013 – December 2013
  • Sociological Theory (2S06E) (D.Young) September2012 – April 2013


 University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, CAN                                        September2004 – April 2005

Teaching Assistant                                                                                       

  • Assisted Professors at the University of Guelph in multiple sociological and anthropological courses.
  • Met with students – provided guidance regarding papers and examinations
  • Ran tutorial sessions – teaching and offering leadership




Bailey, K.A. (2016). Racism Within the Canadian University: Indigenous Students' Experiences. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(7).


Denis, Jeffrey S., and Kerry A. Bailey. Forthcoming (2017). "Decolonizing Canada, Reconciling with Indigenous Peoples: How Settler "Allies" Conceive of their Roles and Goals" in Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, Third Edition, edited by Lorne Tepperman and Patrizia Albanese. Oxford University Press.  

Denis, Jeffrey S., and Kerry A. Bailey. Forthcoming (2016). "'You Can't Have Reconciliation without Justice': How Non-Indigenous Participants in Canada's Truth and Reconciliation Process Understand their Roles and Goals." in Non-Indigenous Responsibility to Engage: Scoping Reconciliation and Its Alternatives, edited by Tom Clark, Ravi Da Costa, and Sarah Maddison. Springer.  


Bailey, K.A. (2016). Colonial Genocide: Using Contemporary Analysis to Realize Change. Ethnic and Racial Studies Review, 39(3). [Book Review]

Research Experience:

McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CAN                                          February 2016 - current

PhD Qualitative Research: In-Person Interviews, Survey administration


McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CAN                                          January 2014 - April 2014,

Research Assistant:                                                                                       June 2013 – August 2013

Project: “Pathways to Being an Ally: How Some Non-Indigenous Canadians Embrace Reconciliation”, Supervisor: Jeff Denis, Funding: Faculty of Social Sciences, McMaster University


McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, CAN                                          March 2006 – June 2006


  • Completed on-site research (executing sociological surveys regarding violence against women) for a study being done through McMaster University.
  • Research site: the emergency clinic, St. Joseph’s Hospital – London ON


University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, CAN                                              November 2005 - December 2005

Field Researcher       

  • Completed all project planning, contextual research and travel arrangements
  • Accomplished ethnographic field research (through one-to-one open interview technique) with Indigenous individuals in Yellowknife, NWT, CAN; directed toward the writing and completion of my MA thesis