Andrejek Nicole

Nicole Andrejek
PhD Students
Department of Sociology
Area(s) of Interest:
Dating in the Digital Age
The Dating in the Digital Age dissertation project examines the shifting dating/sexual culture on university campuses by mapping the sexual culture(s) at a Canadian university, and building a theory of young adult sexuality that both reflects the advent of dating technologies and is consistent with Canadian experiences of young adults through conducting a two-phase, mixed-method research project that combines online surveys and focus groups.
For information about the Dating in the Digital Age survey and how you can be involved. Please Click Here.
Research Specializations
- Sexualities
- Sociology of Gender
- Digital Communication and Technology
- Ph.D. Sociology. In Progress. McMaster University, Hamilton, ON
- Supervisory Committee: Tina Fetner (Chair), Melanie Heath, and Marisa Young
- M.A. Sociology. 2014. University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
- B.A. Sociology and English. 2012. Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON
Teaching Assistant Positions
Sociology of Sexualities, Tina Fetner, McMaster University (Winter 2017)
Sociology of Sexualities, Tina Fetner, McMaster University (Fall 2016)
Sociology of Sexualities, Melanie Heath, McMaster University (Winter 2016)
Sociology of Sexualities, Randal Schnoor, McMaster University (Fall 2015)
Sociology of Families, Sandra Colavecchia, McMaster University (Fall 2014-Winter 2015)
Qualitative Methods, Jennifer Long, University of Guelph (Winter 2014)
Gender Perspectives on Families, Kerry Preibisch, University of Guelph (Fall 2013)
The Sociology of Welfare in Canada, Julia Woodhall-Melnik, University of Guelph (Winter 2013)
Introduction to Sociology, Linda Gerber, University of Guelph (Fall 2012)
Selected Guest Lectures
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2017. “Rituals: Weddings, Marriage, & Sexuality.” Sociology
of Sexualities. Sociology Department, McMaster University.
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2017. “The Intersections of Race & Sexuality.” Sociology of
Sexualities. Sociology Department, McMaster University.
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2014. “Analyzing Media and Written Material: An Introduction
to Discourse Analysis.” Qualitative Methods. Sociology Department, University of Guelph.
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2013. “Voluntary and Involuntary Childlessness.” Gendered
Perspectives on Families and Households. Sociology Department, University of Guelph.
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2013. “Feminist Perspectives on Families.” Gender
Perspectives on Families and Households. Sociology Department, University of Guelph.
Andrejek, Nicole. Winter 2013. “The History of Welfare in Canada.” The Sociology of
Welfare in Canada. Sociology Department, University of Guelph.
Research Topic Interests
Sexualities; Sociology of Gender; Mixed Methods; Dating and Relationships; Digital Communication and Technology
Research Employment
Graduate Research Assistant for the “Social Policy, Attitudes, and Sexual Behaviour” research project at the Faculty of Social Science at McMaster University. Principal Investigators: Dr. Tina Fetner, Dr. Michelle Dion, and Dr. Melanie Heath. (June - November 2016 and September 2017-Present).
Research Coordinator for the “Kids, Cops and Computers Outcome Evaluation” research project for the Merry Go Round Children’s Foundation, Toronto, ON. Principal Investigator: Nicole Andrejek. (March 2017 – December 2017).
Research Assistant for the “Medicalization and Changes in Advice to Mothers about Children’s Mental Health Issues 1970 to 1990 as compared to 1991 to 2010: Evidence from Chatelaine Magazine” research project at the Faculty of Arts at Wilfrid Laurier University. Principal Investigator: Dr. Juanne Clarke. (May - September 2012).
Andrejek, Nicole. (2018).“Pedagogy and Propriety: A Gendered Analysis of Children’s Fairytales.” Pp 295-323 in The Sociology of Child and Youth Studies in Canada Reader. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.
Matrino, Alan Santinele and Nicole Andrejek. (Forthcoming). “Normal/Deserving Citizens and the Transabled Other: A Sociological Analysis of Online Commenters Reactions to Transability.” Journal of Deviant Behavior.
Selected Conference Presentations
Andrejek, Nicole. June 2017. “Dating in the Digital Age.” Session organizer. Paper presented at the “No Strings Attached: Sociological Explorations of Hookup Culture” roundtable at Canadian Sociological Association in Toronto, Ontario.
Andrejek, Nicole. June 2015. “Pedagogy and Propriety: A Gendered Analysis of Children’s Fairytales.” Paper presented at the Children, Childhood and Youth: Intersections and Inequalities session at Canadian Sociological Association in Ottawa, Ontario.
Andrejek, Nicole. June 2015. “Gendering Interaction Rituals: Filtering Randall Collins Theory of Interaction Rituals through a Third-Wave Feminist Theoretical Perspective.” Presented at the Feminisms Today and Contemporary Spaces session at Canadian Sociological Association in Ottawa, Ontario.
Andrejek, Nicole. April 2015. “A Sociological Analysis of Gendered Discourses in Early Children’s Fairytales.” Presented at the Jane Synge Conference at McMaster University.
Professional Memberships
Canadian Sociological Association
American Sociological Association
International Sociological Association