Altenburg Gerjan, Ph.D. Student, Asian Field
Gerjan Altenburg
Ph.D. Student, Asian Field
PhD Students
Department of Religious Studies
Area(s) of Interest:
Gerjan is interested in Indian Buddhist monastic literature extant in Sanskrit and Tibetan. Supervisor: Dr. Shayne Clarke
- McMaster University, M.A. in Religious Studies, 2014
- Dalhousie University, B.A. in Religious Studies and Classics, 2012
Teaching Experience
- Storytelling in Indian Religion, Summer Term 2018
TA Experience
- Religion and Diversity, Winter Term 2018
- Introduction to Buddhism, McMaster University, Winter Term 2017
- Approaches to the Study of Religion, McMaster University, Fall Term 2016
- What on Earth Is Religion?, McMaster University, 2015–2016
- Great Books in Asian Religions, McMaster University, Winter Term 2015
- Introduction to Buddhism, McMaster University, Fall Term 2014
- Great Books in Asian Religions, McMaster University, Winter Term 2014
- Theory and Practice of Nonviolence, McMaster University, Winter Term 2013
Conference Presentations
“Whose Line is it Anyway? Reflections on Textual Borrowing in the Prātimokṣābhismaraṇapada.” Paper presented within the panel “Diverse Textual Sources in the Study of Buddhism” at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, hosted by the University of Regina, May 27, 2018
“A Preliminary Report on Rules of Customary Behaviour in the Mūlasarvāstivāda-vinaya.” Paper presented within the panel “Sites of the Numinous: Text, Household, Shrine” at the Graduate Student Conference for South Asian Religions hosted by the University of Toronto, October 5, 2017
“A New Role for the Bhikṣuvarṣāgrapṛcchā: a Training Manual for Junior Monks.” Paper presented within the panel “Recent Scholarship on Buddhist Monastic Law Codes” at the Eastern International Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion hosted by the University of Waterloo, April 28, 2017
Academic Presentations
- “The Intertextuality of Verses from the Vinayastotra.” Poster Presented at the 50th Anniversary of McMaster Religious Studies Alumni Weekend, March 14th, 2016