INDIGST 3N03 - Indigenous Women: Land, Rights, and Politics
This course will focus on issues Indigenous women identify as relevant to their current quality of life and social wellbeing. Indigenous knowledge, women’s ways of knowing, the impacts of colonialism, gender and methodologies will be examined. We will collaboratively choose some key areas/issues to hone in on at the start of term. Women and their roles in Indigenous communities can show the current state of the world if we know what we are looking at. Questions to consider: What are the issues most relevant to your life? Food security? Land? Housing? Law? This question and how we will look at it will be discussed in the first class to solidify our focus for the term! Be ready to discuss.
INDIGST 3N03 - Indigenous Women: Land, Rights, and Politics
This course will focus on issues Indigenous women identify as relevant to their current quality of life and social wellbeing. Indigenous knowledge, women’s ways of knowing, the impacts of colonialism, gender and methodologies will be examined. We will collaboratively choose some key areas/issues to hone in on at the start of term. Women and their roles in Indigenous communities can show the current state of the world if we know what we are looking at. Questions to consider: What are the issues most relevant to your life? Food security? Land? Housing? Law? This question and how we will look at it will be discussed in the first class to solidify our focus for the term! Be ready to discuss.