Built 50 years ago, Regent Park is one of the oldest and largest concentrated public housing communities in Canada.
The community occupies a 69-acre site just east of the downtown core of Toronto and is home to 7,500 people living in 2,087 social housing units.
Over the next 15 years, the Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC), which owns and manages Regent Park, will demolish and re-build the entire community in six phases. The community will grow to 5,000 units of mixed income housing, including rent-geared-to-income social housing units, market rentals, and privately owned condominiums.
The “new” Regent Park will have improved services, better designed public spaces and will involve community members in its governance. This research will investigate a number of questions, including:
Does the health and well-being of Regent Park residents improve after redevelopment
- compared to their baseline health status?
- compared to a control group?
Are there some health outcomes for which the effect is greater, lesser or different? Specifically, does redevelopment appear to have an effect on:
- general health status?
- depressive symptomatology?
- Anxiety?
- child mental health and development?