UPCOMING WORKSHOP - February 28-29, 2020
Rebuilding the Public Purpose: Beyond Alternatives to Austerity
Feb 11, 2020
Hello AltAusterity readers! We are here to give you a look at this year's conference, "Rebuilding the Public Purpose: Beyond Alternatives to Austerity" (Principal Investigator: Dr. Stephen McBride), taking place later this month (February 28-29) on campus, at McMaster University. You can check out our Twitter page for more details closer to the date, but for now, click here to see the event's program!
The conference features important scholars from Canada and Europe who focus on rebuilding the public purpose as an alternative to austerity. We invite you to join us on February 28th (8:45 am-5:15 pm) and 29th (9:30 am-1:00 pm) in the Community Room at McMaster's L.R. Wilson Building on campus (Room 1003). Please invite any graduate students who you think might be interested.
If you are interested in attending, we ask that you kindly register at the following event link: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/rebuilding-the-public-purpose-beyond-alternatives-to-austerity-tickets-88418264409
We hope to see you there!